Connecticut General Statutes 29-179i – State-Wide Cooperative Crime Control Task Force Policy Board
(a) There shall be a State-Wide Cooperative Crime Control Task Force Policy Board which shall be in the Division of State Police within the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection. The policy board shall consist of a state committee and municipal subcommittees representing each municipality participating in the state-wide cooperative crime control task force. The state committee shall consist of the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection who shall be the chairperson, the Chief Court Administrator or said Chief Court Administrator’s designee, the Chief State’s Attorney or said Chief State’s Attorney’s designee, the Commissioner of Correction or said commissioner’s designee, a member of the Police Officer Standards and Training Council designated by the chairperson, a deputy commissioner of the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, Division of State Police or such deputy commissioner’s designee, and the commanding officer of the task force. The municipal subcommittees shall consist of the chief executive officer of the participating municipality, the chief of police of the participating municipality and three other members appointed by such chief executive officer representing, but not limited to, the interests of the business community, social and community services and education.
(b) The policy board shall direct and supervise the formulation of policies and operating procedures and shall coordinate the activities of the task force with other law enforcement agencies within and without the state. Said board may waive the requirement specified in subsection (d) of section 29-179g relative to assignment of police officers to the task force.
(c) The policy board may apply for and shall administer any federal, state, local or private appropriations or grant funds made available for the operation of the task force. Any funds not expended shall revert to the agency or organization from which such funds were received.