(a) A Statistical Division shall be established within the Workers’ Compensation Commission. The division shall compile and maintain statistics concerning occupational injuries and diseases, voluntary agreements, status of claims and administrative law judges’ dockets.

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Terms Used In Connecticut General Statutes 31-283f

  • Commission: means the Workers' Compensation Commission. See Connecticut General Statutes 31-275
  • Compensation: means benefits or payments mandated by the provisions of this chapter, including, but not limited to, indemnity, medical and surgical aid or hospital and nursing service required under section 31-294d and any type of payment for disability, whether for total or partial disability of a permanent or temporary nature, death benefit, funeral expense, payments made under the provisions of section 31-284b, 31-293a or 31-310, or any adjustment in benefits or payments required by this chapter. See Connecticut General Statutes 31-275

(b) Sufficient funding for the establishment and maintenance of the Workers’ Compensation Statistical Division shall be supplied from the Administrative Costs Fund, as provided in section 31-345.