Connecticut General Statutes 46b-517 – Assisted reproduction: Order of parentage
(a) A party consenting to assisted reproduction, a person who is a parent pursuant to sections 46b-511 to 46b-513, inclusive, an intended parent or parents or the person giving birth may commence a proceeding to obtain an order:
(1) Declaring that the intended parent or parents are the parent or parents of the resulting child immediately upon birth of the child and ordering that parental rights and responsibilities vest exclusively in the intended parent or parents immediately upon the birth of the child; and
(2) Designating the contents of the birth certificate and directing the Department of Public Health to designate the intended parent or parents as the parent or parents of the resulting child.
(b) A proceeding under this section may be commenced before or after the date of birth of the child, though an order issued before the birth of the resulting child does not take effect unless and until the birth of the resulting child. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to limit the court’s authority to issue other orders under any other provision of the general statutes.
(c) Neither the state nor the Department of Public Health shall be a necessary party to a proceeding under this section.