Connecticut General Statutes 7-310 – Operation of fire equipment in and provision of personnel and assistance to other municipality
Any city, town, borough, fire district, independent fire department or independent fire company may locate, use, man and operate fire stations, fire apparatus, ambulances, rescue trucks, radio and fire-alarm systems and other fire equipment and provide personnel and other assistance for the investigation of the cause and origin of fires, in any other city, town, borough or fire district, upon such terms respecting the location, use, management and operation as may be mutually agreed upon between the boards of fire commissioners or other persons having the management and control of the fire departments or fire companies. Any officer or member of a fire department or fire company while operating outside the jurisdictional limits of his fire department or fire company in accord with such an agreement shall have the same rights, privileges and immunities that are granted him when operating within the jurisdictional limits of his fire department or fire company.