Connecticut General Statutes 7-339r – Tax levy for benefit of special services district
(a) An ordinance establishing a special services district shall provide the time and manner for determining the levy on real property within such district which is recommended by the board of commissioners of such district pursuant to subdivision (5) of section 7-339n.
Terms Used In Connecticut General Statutes 7-339r
- another: may extend and be applied to communities, companies, corporations, public or private, limited liability companies, societies and associations. See Connecticut General Statutes 1-1
- legislative body: means : (1) As applied to unconsolidated towns, the town meeting. See Connecticut General Statutes 1-1
- Obligation: An order placed, contract awarded, service received, or similar transaction during a given period that will require payments during the same or a future period.
- Ordinance: means an enactment under the provisions of section 7-157. See Connecticut General Statutes 1-1
- Real property: Land, and all immovable fixtures erected on, growing on, or affixed to the land.
(b) In order to provide that different areas, and different land use categories, within any such special services district may share equitably in the funding of such district in proportion to the different benefits to be derived therefrom, an ordinance establishing a special services district may divide such district into subdistricts, and such ordinance may further provide a separate basis for the determination of the levy recommended pursuant to subdivision (5) of section 7-339n on taxable interests in real property within each such subdistrict.
(c) (1) An ordinance establishing a special services district may create, for taxing purposes only, different categories of land use within such district, and such ordinance may further provide a separate basis for the determination of the levy recommended pursuant to subdivision (5) of section 7-339n on each such category of land use. (2) If an ordinance establishing such a district divides such district into subdistricts, and if such ordinance also creates different land use categories, such ordinance may also provide a basis for the determination of the levy recommended pursuant to subdivision (5) of section 7-339n on taxable interests in real property in a land use category in any such subdistrict which is different from the basis for determining the levy recommended on taxable interests in real property in the same land use category in another subdistrict or in other subdistricts.
(d) An ordinance establishing a special services district shall provide that, when the board of commissioners of such district shall, in a timely manner, recommend to the legislative body of the municipality in which such district is located a levy upon the taxable interests in real property within such district, pursuant to subdivision (5) of section 7-339n and pursuant to such ordinance, it shall be the obligation of such legislative body to impose such levy as a municipal levy, and such levy shall be in addition to the regular municipal levy, and it shall be the obligation of the municipality to collect such levy for the benefit of such district. All moneys received by the board of commissioners of any such district or by a municipality on behalf of any such district shall be paid into the general fund of such municipality where an account shall be maintained of such moneys for the benefit of such district. Any provision of the general statutes, any special act or any municipal charter to the contrary notwithstanding, the treasurer of such municipality shall disburse such funds in accordance with an annual budget adopted by the board of commissioners of such district.