Connecticut General Statutes 8-68d – Housing authority annual report
Each housing authority shall submit a report to the Commissioner of Housing and the chief executive officer of the municipality in which the authority is located not later than March first, annually. The report shall contain (1) an inventory of all existing housing owned or operated by the authority, including the total number, types and sizes of rental units and the total number of occupancies and vacancies in each housing project or development, and a description of the condition of such housing, (2) a description of any new construction projects being undertaken by the authority and the status of such projects, (3) the number and types of any rental housing sold, leased or transferred during the period of the report which is no longer available for the purpose of low or moderate income rental housing, (4) the results of the authority’s annual audit conducted in accordance with section 4-231 if required by said section, and (5) such other information as the commissioner may require by regulations adopted in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54.