Voters shall approach and enter the passage in the order in which they appear for the purpose of voting. If any person offering to vote is challenged by 1 of the challengers or by any 1 of the election officers, such person’s right to vote shall be immediately determined in accordance with this title. If such person’s vote is refused, that person shall be offered the right to vote by provisional ballot. If the person refuses to vote by provisional ballot, that person shall immediately stand aside, give place to the person next in line and leave the polling place.

19 Del. Laws, c. 37, § ?17; 27 Del. Laws, c. 65, § ?15; Code 1915, § ?1757; Code 1935, § ?1846; 15 Del. C. 1953, § ?4937; 57 Del. Laws, c. 181, § ?57; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § ?1; 75 Del. Laws, c. 232, § ?61;

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Terms Used In Delaware Code Title 15 Sec. 4936

  • Ballot: means those portions of cardboard, paper or other material to be placed within the ballot frames of a voting machine or to be used for absentee voting in order to list the names of the offices to be voted for, the name of each candidate and the designation of the party by which the candidate is nominated, a space for the voter to write in the name of any candidate of that voter's choice for any office, and the statement of any question submitted with provision for a "yes" or "no" vote. See Delaware Code Title 15 Sec. 101
  • Election officers: means the inspector of election, the 2 judges of election and the clerks of election who are appointed for each election district under § 4702 of this title. See Delaware Code Title 15 Sec. 101