2023 Florida Regulations 25-6.0455: Annual Distribution Service Reliability Report
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(1) Each utility shall file a Distribution Service Reliability Report with the Commission Clerk on or before March 1 of each year, for the preceding calendar year.
(2) The Distribution Service Reliability Report will exclude the impact of all service interruptions associated with generation and transmission disturbances governed by subsections 25-6.018(2) and (3), F.A.C.
(3) The report shall contain the following information on an actual and adjusted basis:
(a) The utility’s total number of Outage Events (N), categorized by cause for the highest ten causes of Outage Events, the Average Duration of Outage Events (L-Bar), and Average Service Restoration Time (CAIDI). The utility shall record these data and analyses on Form PSC/ENG 102-1(a) (8/06) and Form PSC/ENG 102-1(b) (8/06), entitled “”Causes of Outage Events – Actual”” and “”Causes of Outage Events – Adjusted””, respectively, which may be obtained from the Division of Engineering, 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850, (850)413-6910, and which are incorporated herein by reference;
(b) Identification of the three percent of the utility’s Primary Circuits (feeders) with the highest number of feeder breaker interruptions. For each primary circuit so identified the utility shall report the primary circuit identification number or name, substation origin, general location, number of affected customers by service class served, Number of Outage Events (N), Average Duration of Outage Events (L-Bar), Average Service Restoration Time (CAIDI), whether the same circuit is being reported for the second consecutive year, the number of years the primary circuit was reported on the “”Three Percent Feeder List”” in the past five years, and the corrective action date of completion. The utility shall record these data and analyses on Form PSC/ENG 102-2(a) (8/06) and Form PSC/ENG 102-2(b) (8/06), entitled “”Three Percent Feeder List – Actual”” and “”Three Percent Feeder List – Adjusted””, respectively, which may be obtained from the Division of Engineering, 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850, (850)413-6910, and which are incorporated herein by reference;
(c) The reliability indices SAIDI, CAIDI, SAIFI, MAIFIe, and CEMI5 for its system and for each district or region into which its system may be divided. The utility shall report these data and analyses on Form PSC/ENG 102-3(a) (8/06) and Form PSC/ENG 102-3(b) (8/06), entitles “”System Reliability Indices – Annual”” and “”System Reliability Indices – Adjusted””, respectively, which may be obtained from the Division of Engineering, 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850, (850)413-6910, and which are incorporated herein by reference. Any utility furnishing electric service to fewer than 50,000 retail customers shall not be required to report the reliability indices MAIFIe or CEMI5; and
(d) The calculations for each of the required indices and measures of distribution reliability.
(4) Adjusted distribution reliability data may omit Outage Events directly caused by:
(a) Planned Service Interruptions;
(b) A storm named by the National Hurricane Center;
(c) A tornado recorded by the National Weather Service;
(d) Ice on lines;
(e) A planned load management event;
(f) Any electric generation or transmission event not governed by subsections 25-6.018(2) and (3), F.A.C.; or
(g) An extreme weather or fire event causing activation of the county emergency operation center.
Rulemaking Authority Florida Statutes § 366.05(1). Law Implemented 366.03, 366.04(2)(c), (f), (5), 366.05, 366.05(7) FS. History-New 2-25-93, Amended 11-7-02, 8-17-06.
(2) The Distribution Service Reliability Report will exclude the impact of all service interruptions associated with generation and transmission disturbances governed by subsections 25-6.018(2) and (3), F.A.C.
(3) The report shall contain the following information on an actual and adjusted basis:
(a) The utility’s total number of Outage Events (N), categorized by cause for the highest ten causes of Outage Events, the Average Duration of Outage Events (L-Bar), and Average Service Restoration Time (CAIDI). The utility shall record these data and analyses on Form PSC/ENG 102-1(a) (8/06) and Form PSC/ENG 102-1(b) (8/06), entitled “”Causes of Outage Events – Actual”” and “”Causes of Outage Events – Adjusted””, respectively, which may be obtained from the Division of Engineering, 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850, (850)413-6910, and which are incorporated herein by reference;
(b) Identification of the three percent of the utility’s Primary Circuits (feeders) with the highest number of feeder breaker interruptions. For each primary circuit so identified the utility shall report the primary circuit identification number or name, substation origin, general location, number of affected customers by service class served, Number of Outage Events (N), Average Duration of Outage Events (L-Bar), Average Service Restoration Time (CAIDI), whether the same circuit is being reported for the second consecutive year, the number of years the primary circuit was reported on the “”Three Percent Feeder List”” in the past five years, and the corrective action date of completion. The utility shall record these data and analyses on Form PSC/ENG 102-2(a) (8/06) and Form PSC/ENG 102-2(b) (8/06), entitled “”Three Percent Feeder List – Actual”” and “”Three Percent Feeder List – Adjusted””, respectively, which may be obtained from the Division of Engineering, 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850, (850)413-6910, and which are incorporated herein by reference;
(c) The reliability indices SAIDI, CAIDI, SAIFI, MAIFIe, and CEMI5 for its system and for each district or region into which its system may be divided. The utility shall report these data and analyses on Form PSC/ENG 102-3(a) (8/06) and Form PSC/ENG 102-3(b) (8/06), entitles “”System Reliability Indices – Annual”” and “”System Reliability Indices – Adjusted””, respectively, which may be obtained from the Division of Engineering, 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850, (850)413-6910, and which are incorporated herein by reference. Any utility furnishing electric service to fewer than 50,000 retail customers shall not be required to report the reliability indices MAIFIe or CEMI5; and
(d) The calculations for each of the required indices and measures of distribution reliability.
(4) Adjusted distribution reliability data may omit Outage Events directly caused by:
(a) Planned Service Interruptions;
(b) A storm named by the National Hurricane Center;
(c) A tornado recorded by the National Weather Service;
(d) Ice on lines;
(e) A planned load management event;
(f) Any electric generation or transmission event not governed by subsections 25-6.018(2) and (3), F.A.C.; or
(g) An extreme weather or fire event causing activation of the county emergency operation center.
Rulemaking Authority Florida Statutes § 366.05(1). Law Implemented 366.03, 366.04(2)(c), (f), (5), 366.05, 366.05(7) FS. History-New 2-25-93, Amended 11-7-02, 8-17-06.