(1) Place name signs other than for natural geographic features and official boundaries of counties, municipalities, or unincorporated areas shall not be erected on non-limited access facilities.

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    (2) Place name signs for other governmental or quasi-governmental boundaries including, but not limited to, water management districts, school districts, voting districts, commissioner districts, and fire districts, shall not be erected on the state highway system.
    (3) Place name signs shall not be installed for urban subdivisions.
    (4) “”Exiting”” or “”Leaving”” added to a place name signs shall not be permitted.
    (5) Overhead signs/structures shall not be permitted.
    (6) Place name sign requests can only be originated by a resolution of the local government.
Rulemaking Authority 316.0745 FS. Law Implemented Florida Statutes § 316.0745. History-New 3-27-05, Amended 11-24-11, 1-12-16.