Florida Regulations 14-51.052: Design
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(1) Red, yellow, orange, purple, or the fluorescent versions thereof, fluorescent yellow-green, or fluorescent pink shall not be used as background colors for community wayfinding guide signs, in order to minimize confusion with critical, higher-priority regulatory, warning, construction, or incident management sign color meanings readily understood by road users.
(3) A minimum contrast value of legend color to background color of 70 percent is required for community wayfinding guide signs (ADA minimum contrast value).
(4) Enhancement markers may be used, at the option of the applicant, as a means of visually identifying the sign as a part of an overall system of community wayfinding guide signs. The size and shapes of identification enhancement markers shall be smaller than the community wayfinding guide signs themselves. Identification enhancement markers shall not be designed to have an appearance that could be mistaken by road users as being a traffic control device.
(5) The area of an identification enhancement marker shall not exceed 1/5 the area of the community wayfinding guide sign with which it is mounted in the same sign assembly.
(6) A pictograph designed appropriately for use on traffic control devices may be incorporated into the overall design of a community wayfinding guide sign. If a pictograph is used, its height shall not exceed two times the height of the upper-case letters of the principal legend on the sign.
(7) Except for pictographs, symbols that are not approved in the MUTCD for use on guide signs shall not be used on community wayfinding guide signs.
(8) There shall be a maximum of four destinations shown on each community wayfinding guide sign.
(9) All lettering used on community wayfinding guide signs on the state highway system shall be highway gothic fonts or other FHWA approved fonts. A lettering style other than the Standard Alphabets provided in the Standard Highway Signs and Markings book may be used on community wayfinding guide signs if an engineering study submitted by the local government and approved by the Department determines that the legibility and recognition values for the chosen lettering style meet or exceed the values for the Standard Alphabets for the same legend height and stroke width.
(10) The minimum specific ratio of letter height to legibility distance shall comply with provisions of Section 2A.14 of the MUTCD. The size lettering used for destination and directional legends on community wayfinding guide signs shall comply with the provisions of minimum letter heights as provided within Section 2D.06 of the MUTCD.
(11) The lettering for destinations on community wayfinding guide signs shall be a combination of lower-case letters with initial upper-case letters. All other word messages on community wayfinding guide signs shall be in all upper-case letters.
(12) Except for signs that are intended to be viewed only by pedestrians, bicyclists stopped out of the flow of traffic, or occupants of parked vehicles, Internet and e-mail addresses, including domain names and uniform resource locators (URL), shall not be displayed on any community wayfinding guide sign or sign assembly.
(13) The arrows location and priority order of destinations shall follow the provisions described in Section 2D.08 and Section 2D.37 of the MUTCD. The positioning of arrows relative to the destinations shown shall be in accordance with Section 2D.37 of the MUTCD.
(14) Community wayfinding guide and pedestrian wayfinding signs and their supporting structures shall be designed, constructed, and installed to meet the Department’s clear zone and safety criteria, including breakaway features. The design shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Florida.
(15) All messages, borders, legends, and backgrounds of community wayfinding guide signs and any enhancement markers shall be retro-reflective and in accordance with Section 994 (Retro-reflective and Non-reflective Sign Sheeting) of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction 2010, referenced in subsection 14-51.014(8), F.A.C.
Rulemaking Authority 316.0745 FS. Law Implemented Florida Statutes § 316.0745. History-New 5-8-06, Amended 11-24-11, 2-3-20.
(2) Background colors, other than those stated in subsection (1), shall be allowed on community wayfinding guide signs.
(3) A minimum contrast value of legend color to background color of 70 percent is required for community wayfinding guide signs (ADA minimum contrast value).
(4) Enhancement markers may be used, at the option of the applicant, as a means of visually identifying the sign as a part of an overall system of community wayfinding guide signs. The size and shapes of identification enhancement markers shall be smaller than the community wayfinding guide signs themselves. Identification enhancement markers shall not be designed to have an appearance that could be mistaken by road users as being a traffic control device.
(5) The area of an identification enhancement marker shall not exceed 1/5 the area of the community wayfinding guide sign with which it is mounted in the same sign assembly.
(6) A pictograph designed appropriately for use on traffic control devices may be incorporated into the overall design of a community wayfinding guide sign. If a pictograph is used, its height shall not exceed two times the height of the upper-case letters of the principal legend on the sign.
(7) Except for pictographs, symbols that are not approved in the MUTCD for use on guide signs shall not be used on community wayfinding guide signs.
(8) There shall be a maximum of four destinations shown on each community wayfinding guide sign.
(9) All lettering used on community wayfinding guide signs on the state highway system shall be highway gothic fonts or other FHWA approved fonts. A lettering style other than the Standard Alphabets provided in the Standard Highway Signs and Markings book may be used on community wayfinding guide signs if an engineering study submitted by the local government and approved by the Department determines that the legibility and recognition values for the chosen lettering style meet or exceed the values for the Standard Alphabets for the same legend height and stroke width.
(10) The minimum specific ratio of letter height to legibility distance shall comply with provisions of Section 2A.14 of the MUTCD. The size lettering used for destination and directional legends on community wayfinding guide signs shall comply with the provisions of minimum letter heights as provided within Section 2D.06 of the MUTCD.
(11) The lettering for destinations on community wayfinding guide signs shall be a combination of lower-case letters with initial upper-case letters. All other word messages on community wayfinding guide signs shall be in all upper-case letters.
(12) Except for signs that are intended to be viewed only by pedestrians, bicyclists stopped out of the flow of traffic, or occupants of parked vehicles, Internet and e-mail addresses, including domain names and uniform resource locators (URL), shall not be displayed on any community wayfinding guide sign or sign assembly.
(13) The arrows location and priority order of destinations shall follow the provisions described in Section 2D.08 and Section 2D.37 of the MUTCD. The positioning of arrows relative to the destinations shown shall be in accordance with Section 2D.37 of the MUTCD.
(14) Community wayfinding guide and pedestrian wayfinding signs and their supporting structures shall be designed, constructed, and installed to meet the Department’s clear zone and safety criteria, including breakaway features. The design shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Florida.
(15) All messages, borders, legends, and backgrounds of community wayfinding guide signs and any enhancement markers shall be retro-reflective and in accordance with Section 994 (Retro-reflective and Non-reflective Sign Sheeting) of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction 2010, referenced in subsection 14-51.014(8), F.A.C.
Rulemaking Authority 316.0745 FS. Law Implemented Florida Statutes § 316.0745. History-New 5-8-06, Amended 11-24-11, 2-3-20.