Florida Regulations 23-23.008: Conditional Release Evaluation Procedure
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(1) Within 180 days prior to an inmate’s Tentative Release Date or Provisional Release Date whichever is earlier, as established by the Department of Corrections, the Department shall review the inmate’s program participation, disciplinary record, psychological and medical records, and any other information pertinent to the pending release. The Department shall interview the inmate for conditional release and shall request the inmate to present his/her conditional release plan. The Department shall gather and compile information necessary for the Commission to make the determinations set forth in Sections 947.1405(3) and (5), F.S.
Rulemaking Authority 947.07, 947.20 FS. Law Implemented Florida Statutes § 947.1405. History-New 10-20-91, Amended 8-18-98, 3-31-10.
(2) Within 60 days from the receipt of the interview by the Department completed under subsection (1), a panel of no fewer than two Commissioners shall review the recommendations of the Department, and such other information as it deems relevant, and conduct a review of the inmate’s record for the purpose of establishing the terms and conditions of the conditional release. The Commission imposes any special conditions it considers warranted.
Rulemaking Authority 947.07, 947.20 FS. Law Implemented Florida Statutes § 947.1405. History-New 10-20-91, Amended 8-18-98, 3-31-10.