Florida Regulations 25-30.340: Adjustment of Bills for Meter Error
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(1) In meter tests made by the Commission or by the utility at the request of the customer (as provided in Fl. Admin. Code R. 25-30.266) the accuracy of registration of the meter and its performance in service shall be judged by its averaged error. The average meter error shall be considered to be the algebraic average of the errors at the test rate flows set out in Fl. Admin. Code R. 25-30.263 Any adjustment of charges which is made in accordance with this rule shall be based on the average error thus derived.
(3) Slow meters.
(a) Except as provided by this paragraph, a utility may backbill in the event that a meter is found to be slow, non-registering or partially registering. A utility may not backbill for any period greater than twelve (12) months from the date it notifies a customer that his or her meter is slow, non-registering or partially registering. If it can be ascertained that the meter was slow, non-registering or partially registering for less than twelve (12) months prior to notification, then the utility may backbill only for the lesser period of time. In any event, the customer may extend the payments of the backbill over the same amount of time for which the utility issued the backbill. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to limit the application of subsection (5) of this rule.
(b) Whenever a meter tested is found to register slow in excess of the tolerance established under Fl. Admin. Code R. 25-30.262, the utility may bill the customer in accordance with this subsection. If the utility has required a deposit as permitted under Fl. Admin. Code R. 25-30.266, the customer may be billed only for that portion of the unbilled error which is in excess of the deposit retained by the utility.
(c) In the event of a non-registering or a partially registering meter, unless the provisions of subsection (4) of this rule apply, a customer may be billed on an estimated amount based on previous bills for similar usage.
(4) It shall be understood that when a meter is found to be in error in excess of the prescribed accuracy limits, fast or slow, the figure to be used for calculating the amount of refund or charge in subsection (2) or paragraph (3)(b) above shall be that percentage of error as determined by the test.
(5) In the event of unauthorized use, the customer may be billed on a reasonable estimate of the service taken. The utility may assess a fee to defray the cost of restoring service provided such charge is specified in the tariff.
Rulemaking Authority 350.127(2), 367.121 FS. Law Implemented 367.081, 367.111 FS. History-New 9-12-74, Amended 5-3-82, Formerly 25-10.98, 25-10.098, Amended 11-10-86.
(2) Fast meters. Whenever a meter tested is found to register fast in excess of the tolerance permitted under
Fl. Admin. Code R. 25-30.262, the utility shall refund to the customer the amount billed in error for one half the period from the time the meter was the meter was last tested not to exceed twelve (12) months except that if it can be shown that the error was due to some cause, the date of which can be fixed, the overcharge shall be computed back to but not beyond such date, based upon available records. The refund shall not include any part of the minimum charge.
(3) Slow meters.
(a) Except as provided by this paragraph, a utility may backbill in the event that a meter is found to be slow, non-registering or partially registering. A utility may not backbill for any period greater than twelve (12) months from the date it notifies a customer that his or her meter is slow, non-registering or partially registering. If it can be ascertained that the meter was slow, non-registering or partially registering for less than twelve (12) months prior to notification, then the utility may backbill only for the lesser period of time. In any event, the customer may extend the payments of the backbill over the same amount of time for which the utility issued the backbill. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to limit the application of subsection (5) of this rule.
(b) Whenever a meter tested is found to register slow in excess of the tolerance established under Fl. Admin. Code R. 25-30.262, the utility may bill the customer in accordance with this subsection. If the utility has required a deposit as permitted under Fl. Admin. Code R. 25-30.266, the customer may be billed only for that portion of the unbilled error which is in excess of the deposit retained by the utility.
(c) In the event of a non-registering or a partially registering meter, unless the provisions of subsection (4) of this rule apply, a customer may be billed on an estimated amount based on previous bills for similar usage.
(4) It shall be understood that when a meter is found to be in error in excess of the prescribed accuracy limits, fast or slow, the figure to be used for calculating the amount of refund or charge in subsection (2) or paragraph (3)(b) above shall be that percentage of error as determined by the test.
(5) In the event of unauthorized use, the customer may be billed on a reasonable estimate of the service taken. The utility may assess a fee to defray the cost of restoring service provided such charge is specified in the tariff.
Rulemaking Authority 350.127(2), 367.121 FS. Law Implemented 367.081, 367.111 FS. History-New 9-12-74, Amended 5-3-82, Formerly 25-10.98, 25-10.098, Amended 11-10-86.