Florida Regulations 25-30.350: Underbillings and Overbillings for Water and Wastewater Service
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(1) A utility may not backbill customers for any period greater than 12 months for any undercharge in billing which is the result of the utility’s mistake.
(b) The revised bill shall be calculated on a monthly basis, assuming uniform consumption during the month(s) subject to underbilling, based on the individual customer’s average usage for the time period covered by the underbilling. The monthly bills shall be recalculated by applying the tariff rates in effect for that time period. The customer shall be responsible for the difference between the amount originally billed and the recalculated bill. All calculations used to arrive at the rebilled amount shall be made available to the customer upon the customer’s request.
(2) In the event of an overbilling, the utility shall refund the overcharge to the customer based on available records. If the commencement date of the overbillling cannot be determined, then an estimate of the overbilling shall be made based on the customer’s past consumption.
(3) In the event of an overbilling, the customer may elect to receive the refund as a one-time disbursement, if the refund is in excess of $20, or as a credit to future billings. Refunds for overbillings shall be disbursed pursuant to Fl. Admin. Code R. 25-30.360
Rulemaking Authority 350.127(2), 367.121 FS. Law Implemented 367.091, 367.121 FS. History-New 11-10-86, Amended 6-17-13, 11-25-19.
(a) The utility shall allow the customer to pay for the unbilled service over the same time period as the time period during which the underbilling occurred or some other mutually agreeable time period. The utility shall not recover in a ratemaking proceeding, any lost revenues which inure to the utility’s detriment on account of this provision.
(b) The revised bill shall be calculated on a monthly basis, assuming uniform consumption during the month(s) subject to underbilling, based on the individual customer’s average usage for the time period covered by the underbilling. The monthly bills shall be recalculated by applying the tariff rates in effect for that time period. The customer shall be responsible for the difference between the amount originally billed and the recalculated bill. All calculations used to arrive at the rebilled amount shall be made available to the customer upon the customer’s request.
(2) In the event of an overbilling, the utility shall refund the overcharge to the customer based on available records. If the commencement date of the overbillling cannot be determined, then an estimate of the overbilling shall be made based on the customer’s past consumption.
(3) In the event of an overbilling, the customer may elect to receive the refund as a one-time disbursement, if the refund is in excess of $20, or as a credit to future billings. Refunds for overbillings shall be disbursed pursuant to Fl. Admin. Code R. 25-30.360
Rulemaking Authority 350.127(2), 367.121 FS. Law Implemented 367.091, 367.121 FS. History-New 11-10-86, Amended 6-17-13, 11-25-19.