(1) The Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Disorders (“”ADRD””) training provider and curriculum must be approved by the department or its designee before commencing training activities. The department or its designee will maintain a list of approved ADRD training providers and curricula, which may be obtained from http://usfweb3.usf.edu/trainingonAging/default.aspx.

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    (a) ADRD Training Providers.
    1. Individuals who seek to become an ADRD training provider must provide the department or its designee with the documentation of the following educational, teaching, or practical experience:
    a. A Master’s degree from an accredited college or university in a health care, human service, or gerontology related field, or
    b. A Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, or licensure as a registered nurse, and:
    (I) Proof of 1 year of teaching experience as an educator of caregivers for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders, or
    (II) Proof of completion of a specialized training program specifically relating to Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders, and a minimum of 2 years of practical experience in a program providing direct care to individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders, or
    (III) Proof of 3 years of practical experience in a program providing direct care to persons with Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders.
    c. Teaching experience pertaining to Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders may substitute on a year-by-year basis for the required Bachelor’s degree.
    2. Applicants seeking approval as ADRD training providers must complete DOEA form ALF/ADRD-001, Application for Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Disorders Training Provider Certification, dated November 2013, which is incorporated by reference and available at the Department of Elder Affairs, 4040 Esplanade Way, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-7000 and online at: http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-04000.
    (b) ADRD Training Curricula. Applicants seeking approval of ADRD curricula must complete DOEA form ALF/ADRD-002, Application for Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Disorders Training Three-Year Curriculum Certification, dated November 2013, which is incorporated by reference and available at the Department of Elder Affairs, 4040 Esplanade Way, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-7000, and online at http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-04001. Approval of the curriculum will be granted based on how well the curriculum addresses the subject areas referenced in subparagraphs 59A-36.011(4)(a)2., and 59A-36.011(4)(a)5., F.A.C. Curriculum approval will be granted for 3 years. After 3 years the curriculum must be resubmitted to the department or its designee for approval.
    (2) Approved ADRD training providers must maintain records of each course taught for a period of 3 years following each training presentation. Course records must include the title of the approved ADRD training curriculum, the curriculum approval number, the number of hours of training, the training provider’s name and approval number, the date and location of the course, and a roster of trainees.
    (3) Upon successful completion of training, the trainee must be issued a certificate by the approved training provider. The certificate must include the trainee’s name, the title of the approved ADRD training, the curriculum approval number, the number of hours of training received, the date and location of the course, the training provider’s name and approval number, and dated signature.
    (4) The department or its designee reserves the right to attend and monitor ADRD training courses, review records and course materials approved pursuant to this rule, and revoke approval for the following reasons: non-adherence to approved curriculum, failing to maintain required training credentials, or knowingly disseminating any false or misleading information.
    (5) ADRD training providers satisfying the requirements of rection 400.1755, F.S., relating to nursing homes, and rection 400.6045, F.S., relating to hospices, will satisfy the Level 1 and Level 2 training provider requirements of subparagraph 59A-36.011(4)(a)3., and paragraph 59A-36.011(4)(a), subsection (5), F.A.C. ADRD training curricula satisfying the requirements of Florida Statutes § 400.1755, relating to nursing homes, and Florida Statutes § 400.6045, relating to hospices, will satisfy the Level 1 curriculum requirements of subFl. Admin. Code R. 59A-36.011(4)(a)3.
Rulemaking Authority 429.178 FS. Law Implemented Florida Statutes § 429.178. History-New 4-17-14.