The following violations have been deemed to involve the potential for substantial physical or financial harm to the public:

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    (1) Negligence, as defined in subsection 61G15-19.001(4), F.A.C., or misconduct, as defined in subsection 61G15-19.001(6), F.A.C., involving either threshold buildings as defined in Florida Statutes § 553.71(12); or the collapse or major damage to any structure; or leading to death or serious physical injury of any person.
    (2) No later than 90 days prior to December 31, 2022, the Board shall review and amend, modify, or sunset this rule if it determines this rule creates barriers to entry for private business competition, is duplicative, outdated, obsolete, overly burdensome, or imposes excessive costs. Failure by the Board to act in accordance with this provision will result in the expiration of this rule on December 31, 2022.
Rulemaking Authority Florida Statutes § 471.038(7). Law Implemented 471.038(7) FS. History-New 5-20-02, Amended 6-5-12, 3-23-22.