(1) Active or Inactive Status. To renew an active or inactive status license, the licensee must remit to FEMC a completed renewal application and the biennial renewal licensure fee for active or inactive status licenses as specified by Fl. Admin. Code R. 61G15-24.001 The application form FBPE/020, 12/17, Professional Engineer License Renewal Application And Instructions, is incorporated by reference herein and may be obtained from www.fbpe.org/index.php/licensure/other-forms or at https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-09413. All applications for renewal of inactive status licenses must also contain a statement certifying that the licensee has neither practiced engineering in Florida nor violated any of the provisions of Florida Statutes § 471.033, since the date on which the license was first placed on inactive status.

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    (2) Delinquent status.
    (a) Pursuant to section 455.271(6)(a), F.S., licensees with delinquent status licenses must affirmatively apply for either active or inactive status during the renewal cycle in which the license becomes delinquent; failure to do so by the end of the renewal cycle renders the license void without further action by the Board.
    (b) Application for renewal of a delinquent status license shall be made on form FBPE/020, and shall be accompanied by all fees as specified by Florida Statutes § 455.271(7), and Fl. Admin. Code R. 61G15-24.001 In addition, applications for renewal of a delinquent status license must be accompanied by documentation of the licensee’s compliance with the continuing education requirements established by section 471.017(3)(a), F.S., and Fl. Admin. Code R. 61G15-22.001
    (3) Members of the Armed Forces and Spouses.
    (a) Members of the United States Armed Forces serving on active duty, or having been discharged within the twenty-four (24) months preceding renewal; or spouses or surviving spouses of active duty members, may renew a license as specified in sections 455.02(1) and (2), F.S. Applications for renewal shall be made by remitting to FEMC Form FBPE 040, 12/18, Renewal Application Military Change of Status, which is incorporated by reference herein and may be obtained from www.fbpe.org/index.php/licensure/other-forms or at https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-10315.
    (b) The active or inactive license of a member of the Florida National Guard or United States Armed Forces Reserve shall not expire while that member is serving on federal active duty, and shall be extended through the period of federal active duty and for up to ninety (90) days thereafter, as provided by Florida Statutes § 250.4815
Rulemaking Authority 455.271(2), (5), (6)(a), (7), 471.011, 471.017(2) FS. Law Implemented 250.4815, 455.02(1), (2), 455.271(2), (5), (6)(a), (7), 471.011, 471.017 FS. History-New 8-1-02, Amended 2-18-16, 2-27-17, 11-21-17, 5-28-18, 4-1-19, 7-25-19.