(1) Evaluation Report. After a period for technical review, not to exceed 60 days from the closing date of the proposal period, the Trust staff shall prepare a written evaluation report for consideration by the governing body that includes a summary of each proposal and the staff evaluation of the proposal.

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Terms Used In Florida Regulations 62-816.007

  • Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
    (2) Proposal Selection by the Trust. The governing body shall meet to select proposals for approval for funding.
    (a) The Trust may schedule a sufficient number of meetings to conduct the activities described in this part.
    (b) The governing body shall consider each proposal submitted to the Trust for funding and approve or modify the evaluation of each proposal in the staff evaluation report. Decisions to modify the evaluation shall be based on review of proposals by the governing body, oral presentations presented to the governing body by staff, and public presentations to the governing body by applicants and other members of the general public.
    (c) The governing body shall evaluate each proposal on the basis of criteria relating to the project site or land acquisition program involved, the applicant, and the anticipated public benefit, as follows:
    1. Criteria related to the applicant.
    a. Are the estimated project cost information, the amount of grant requested and the source and amount of local match consistent with the requirements of this rule chapter?
    b. Does the proposal evidence the applicant’s administrative capability, including personnel, facilities and organization, to complete the acquisition of the project site or implement the land acquisition program and meet the administrative requirements of the grant?
    c. Are the land acquisition procedures to be employed to acquire the project site or to be used in the land acquisition program consistent with the requirements for acquisition of land using Preservation 2000 Funds specified in Rule Fl. Admin. Code Chapter 62-817, or where applicable, Florida Statutes § 380.507(11)?
    2. Criteria related to public benefit.
    a. Are the statement of purposes and objectives for which the proposal is submitted and the explanation of proposal for acquisition of a specific site or funding for a land acquisition program consistent with the provisions of this rule chapter?
    b. Does the proposal demonstrate that there will be public use and public good resulting from the acquisition of the project site or lands acquired through the land acquisition program?
    3. Criteria related to the land use benefits deriving from the project site acquisition or land acquisition program.
    a. Does the acquisition of the project site or the land acquired through the land acquisition program assist the county in furthering the local comprehensive plan directives set forth in the objectives and policy statements contained in the conservation, coastal management, recreation and open space elements of the comprehensive plan, or any other goals, objectives and policies of the comprehensive plan that apply to the Area of Critical State Concern?
    b. Is the project site acquisition or the land acquisition program consistent with the county’s adopted land development regulations?
    c. Does the acquisition of the project site or land acquired through the land acquisition program further the principles for guiding development for that Area of Critical State Concern?
    d. Does the conceptual management plan for the project site or land acquired through a land acquisition program adequately address management needs for the project site or lands acquired through the land acquisition program, as outlined in subFl. Admin. Code R. 62-816.005(2)(c)8.?
    (3) The governing body shall consider the number of criteria that were achieved, as well as any other relevant factors not considered directly in the evaluation of the proposals. Giving consideration to the criteria achieved and other relevant factors, the governing body will select proposal(s) for funding whose total project costs do not exceed the amount of funds available and advertised in the Request for Grant Proposals.
    (4) In accordance with the provisions of Florida Statutes § 380.510, the Trust governing body, in the grant agreement, shall have the right to impose grant conditions deemed necessary to protect the interests of the State of Florida. Any such conditions must be met by the grantee prior to the release of any funds.
    (5) Approval for funding shall be for a period not to exceed two years from the date of the meeting at which the approval was given. Funds not expended during the approved time frame, not to exceed two years, shall be subject to the termination provision outlined in Fl. Admin. Code R. 62-816.014
    (6) At the conclusion of the selection meeting the Trust shall publish a Notice of Grant Approval in the Florida Administrative Register that shall list all proposals considered, whether or not the proposals received approval, and the matching grant amount approved for each applicant.
    (7) Any person with substantial interests that are or may be determined by the approval of funds for projects by the Trust may request an administrative proceeding pursuant to Florida Statutes § 120.57, and Fl. Admin. Code R. 9K-1.008, within 21 days of publication of the Notice of Grant Approval.
Rulemaking Authority 259.101, 374.045, 380.507(11) FS. Law Implemented 259.101, 375.045, 380.508 FS. History-New 6-30-93, Amended 11-14-94, Formerly 9K-5.007.