(1) New Mines. Operators of new mines shall notify the secretary of their intent to mine or their commencement of mining operations, as follows:

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Terms Used In Florida Regulations 62C-36.003

  • Corporation: A legal entity owned by the holders of shares of stock that have been issued, and that can own, receive, and transfer property, and carry on business in its own name.
    (a) Subsequent to the effective date of this rule, no operator may begin the process of extraction at a new mine without notifying the secretary of the intent to mine at least 60 days prior to the beginning of mining operations. The notice shall include the information required in subsection (3), below.
    (b) For those mines where extraction began after January 1, 1987, and on or before the effective date of this rule, notices of intent to mine shall be provided within 60 days of the effective date of this rule. Such notices shall be considered notices of intent to mine even though mining operations have already begun and shall include the information required in subsection (3), below.
    (c) For those mines where extraction began after October 1, 1986, and before January 2, 1987, the operator shall provide the secretary with the information required in subsection (3), below, within 60 days of the effective date of this rule.
    (2) Existing Mines.
    (a) Prior to January 1, 1988, each operator shall provide the secretary a documented list of its existing mines which shall include the operator’s name, address, phone number and the name, address, phone number, and plan view of each mine. The plan view shall be a map or good quality aerial photograph facsimile which includes the mine name, mine boundary, north arrow, section-township-range data, marked section corners, scale, date prepared, and date flown, if applicable.
    (b) By January 1, 1989, operators of existing mines who intend to disturb new surface areas after January 1, 1989, shall provide a conceptual plan for mining and reclamation for review in accordance with Fl. Admin. Code R. 62C-36.006, for the new surface areas to be disturbed. The content of the plan shall be as required in paragraphs (3)(a) and (b), below.
    (3) Information Required. In order to clearly identify the operator and the mine location and to evaluate the operator’s understanding of and probable compliance with the reclamation performance standards in Fl. Admin. Code R. 62C-36.008, the secretary must obtain a minimum amount of information for each mine; therefore, the following information shall be provided in whole or in part, as specified in subsections (1) and (2), above:
    (a) General information.
    1. Operator’s name, mailing address, business address, and phone number.
    2. Name of parent company, corporation, etc., mailing address, business address, and phone number.
    3. Mine name, mailing address, business address, and phone number.
    4. Authorized agent’s name, mailing address, business address, and phone number.
    5. Date mining operations began or are to begin at this mine.
    6. Mine location by county, township, range, section, and quarter-section.
    (b) Conceptual plan. A conceptual plan for mining and reclamation shall include:
    1. Separate maps that show the:
    a. Mine boundary on the most recent U.S. Geological Survey, 1:24,000, topographic map or maps of the mine area.
    b. Total area to be mined and disturbed. Areas to be disturbed, but not mined, shall be identified separately. This map shall also show the projected sequence of mining. In addition, for existing mines this map shall show areas that have been or will be mined or disturbed before January 1, 1989, and the current status of those areas.
    c. Approximate depths to which mining will occur or depth to the water table, if mining will occur below the water table.
    d. Estimated postreclamation topography, drainage features, and structures.
    e. Planned postreclamation vegetation.
    2. Typical cross sections that clearly show the design of reclaimed sheer walls and shore line treatments for water bodies.
    3. A general discussion of the mining operations and reclamation activities.
    4. An estimated time schedule for reclamation.
    5. The estimated life of the mine.
    6. A list of approved permits. This shall include copies of any dredge and fill permits approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, water use or surface water management permits issued for existing and proposed facilities or works, and any permits and reclamation plans approved by the appropriate local government.
    7. A list of pending permit applications which are related to reclamation.
    8. A list of other permits which are related to reclamation and are known to be required.
    9. A copy of the Application for Development Approval and the Development Order, if applicable.
    (c) Signed acknowledgment of reclamation performance standards.
    (4) Cessation of Operations. An operator shall notify the secretary within at least 30 days after the temporary or permanent cessation of mining at a mine. Notice shall not be required when the temporary cessation period is less than six months.
    (5) Conceptual Plan Changes.
    (a) An operator shall notify the secretary of the following changes to the conceptual plan prior to implementing such changes. Such changes are changes in the:
    1. Originally noticed area to be mined that are greater than 20 percent or 100 acres, whichever is smaller.
    2. Reclamation design of sheer walls or shorelines.
    3. Elevations of reclaimed uplands that are greater than 10 feet and affect more than 20 percent or 100 acres, whichever is smaller, of the disturbed area.
    4. Postreclamation drainage patterns that affect more than 20 percent or 100 acres, whichever is smaller, of the disturbed area.
    5. Revegetation plan which affect more than 20 percent or 100 acres, whichever is smaller, of the area to be revegetated.
    6. Plans that are not consistent with the reclamation standards in Fl. Admin. Code R. 62C-36.008
    (b) The notification required in paragraph (a), above, shall include the following information:
    1. Name of mine.
    2. Name of operator.
    3. Agency identification code for the plan.
    4. A description of the change.
    (c) An operator shall notify the secretary of all other changes in a given calendar year to the conceptual plan in the annual report covering that calendar year.
Rulemaking Authority 378.404, 378.501 FS. Law Implemented 378.501, 378.502 FS. History-New 7-16-87, Formerly 16C-36.003.