Florida Regulations 62C-36.011: Reports
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(1) On or before April 1 of each year, each operator shall submit to the Department a report for the previous calendar year for each mine under his control. No report shall be required in calendar year 1987; however, any report submitted in calendar year 1988 shall cover the period October 1, 1986, through December 31, 1987. No report shall be required for existing mines until March 1, 1990; this report shall cover the previous calendar year only. Each report shall be submitted on the form incorporated by reference in Fl. Admin. Code R. 62C-36.014, and shall include the following for the report period:
(b) The number of acres on which extraction occurred during the previous calendar year.
(c) Each area that became available for contouring or revegetation.
(d) The number of acres disturbed, but not mined, and the nature of the disturbances.
(e) The number of acres on which contouring has been completed.
(f) The number of acres on which revegetation has been completed.
(g) A map that illustrates paragraphs (b) through (f), above. To the extent possible, maps submitted with the second and each successive report shall include the information shown on maps submitted with previous reports. Maps submitted on paper may be drawn on plain paper or an aerial photograph facsimile and shall meet the document standards in Fl. Admin. Code R. 62C-36.004
(h) A discussion of all changes to the conceptual plan that were not provided in a notice to the Department.
(2) The Department shall examine each report and notify the operator of any apparent errors or omissions.
(3) The operator shall respond to the Department’s request within 60 days of receipt.
Rulemaking Authority 378.404 FS. Law Implemented Florida Statutes § 378.404. History-New 7-16-87, Formerly 16C-36.011, Amended 5-9-13.
(a) Name and address of the operator, name of the mine, and year covered by the report.
(b) The number of acres on which extraction occurred during the previous calendar year.
(c) Each area that became available for contouring or revegetation.
(d) The number of acres disturbed, but not mined, and the nature of the disturbances.
(e) The number of acres on which contouring has been completed.
(f) The number of acres on which revegetation has been completed.
(g) A map that illustrates paragraphs (b) through (f), above. To the extent possible, maps submitted with the second and each successive report shall include the information shown on maps submitted with previous reports. Maps submitted on paper may be drawn on plain paper or an aerial photograph facsimile and shall meet the document standards in Fl. Admin. Code R. 62C-36.004
(h) A discussion of all changes to the conceptual plan that were not provided in a notice to the Department.
(2) The Department shall examine each report and notify the operator of any apparent errors or omissions.
(3) The operator shall respond to the Department’s request within 60 days of receipt.
Rulemaking Authority 378.404 FS. Law Implemented Florida Statutes § 378.404. History-New 7-16-87, Formerly 16C-36.011, Amended 5-9-13.