(1) For purposes of renewing or reactivating a license, credit is approved for the following:

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    (a) Completion of graduate level courses provided by an institution of higher education fully accredited by a regional accrediting body recognized by the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation or its successor or an institution which is publicly recognized as a member in good standing with the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, provided such courses are offered by a graduate program in psychology, counselor education, rehabilitation counseling, guidance or personnel counseling, marriage and family therapy, agency counseling, community mental health counseling or a school or program offering doctoral training in social work.
    (b) Completion of graduate level courses in theory of human behavior and practice methods as courses in clinically-oriented services provided by programs of social work accredited by the Council on Social Work, Education Commission on Accreditation by the Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work.
    (c) Completion of graduate level courses provided by marriage and family therapy training institutions accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE).
    (d) Programs offered by providers approved by the Board under Fl. Admin. Code R. 64B4-6.004
    1. Credit for hypnosis training will be given only for a program that clearly advertised it met the requirements of Fl. Admin. Code R. 64B4-7.002, and was offered by an approved provider for hypnosis training as determined by Fl. Admin. Code R. 64B4-6.006
    2. Credit for sex therapy training will be given only for a program that clearly advertised it met the requirements of Fl. Admin. Code R. 64B4-7.004, and was offered by an approved provider for sex therapy training as determined by Fl. Admin. Code R. 64B4-6.005
    (e) Continuing education programs offered and approved by the following entities as long as such entities impose requirements similar to or more stringent than those imposed by the Board in subparagraphs 64B4-6.004(2)(a)1.-5., F.A.C.:
    1. National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC),
    2. American Association of Sex Educators Counselors and Therapists (AASECT),
    3. American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH),
    4. National Association of Social Work (NASW),
    5. American Psychological Association (APA),
    6. Clinical Social Work Federation (CSWF),
    7. Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB),
    8. American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP),
    9. American Psychiatric Association,
    10. International Association of Marriage and Family Therapy Counselors (AMFC),
    11. American Association of State Counseling Boards (AASCB),
    12. American Counseling Association (ACA),
    13. American Mental Health Counseling Association (AMHCA),
    14. American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT); and,
    15. Association of Marital and Family Therapy Regulatory Boards (AMFTRB).
    (2) Presenters/moderators of approved continuing education activities shall receive credit on a one-time basis for programs where they are actually in attendance for the complete program, provided they receive a certificate of attendance in compliance with this rule. A maximum of 10 hours of credit per biennium shall be received for presenting/moderating approved continuing education activities.
    (3) Instructors of graduate level courses in the curricula of an institution as described in Florida Statutes § 491.005, shall receive continuing education credit on a one time basis at the rate of 5 hours of continuing education credit per semester hour of coursework taught.
    (4) Three (3) hours of continuing education credit in risk management may be obtained once per biennium by attending one day of a Board meeting at which disciplinary hearings are conducted by the Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling, in compliance with the following:
    (a) The licensee must sign in with the Executive Director of the Board before the meeting day begins.
    (b) The licensee must remain in continuous attendance.
    (c) The licensee must sign out with the Executive Director of the Board at the end of the meeting day or at such other earlier time as affirmatively authorized by the Board. The licensee may only receive CE credit for attending the Board meeting for that purpose solely. The licensee may not receive credit for that purpose if they are required or are attending the Board meeting for any other purpose.
    (5) For the purpose of this rule chapter, distance learning continuing education activities are home study, correspondence, computer interactive, tele-conferences, video cassette, and audio cassette courses. A distance learning continuing education activity offered by a provider approved under this rule chapter must meet the standards for approved courses outlined in this rule chapter and, furthermore, must include a testing mechanism on which a passing score must be attained by the licensee prior to the issuing of credit.
    (6) Continuing education credit will not be received for the following:
    (a) The licensee’s regular activities;
    (b) Membership, office in, or participation on boards or committees, or at business meetings of professional organizations;
    (c) Attendance at professional conventions or meetings, unless session meets the requirements of this rule;
    (d) Independent, unstructured or self-structured learning;
    (e) Personal psychotherapy or growth experience;
    (f) Authorship or editing of books or articles;
    (g) Obtaining supervision or consultation unless provided by a structured program meeting the requirements of this rule.
Rulemaking Authority 456.013(6), 491.004(5), 491.0085 FS. Law Implemented 456.013(6), 491.007(2), 491.0085(1) FS. History-New 4-4-89, Amended 10-16-90, 6-19-91, 9-2-91, 8-24-92, Formerly 21CC-6.002, Amended 1-9-94, Formerly 61F4-6.002, Amended 10-4-94, 12-22-94, 1-7-96, 12-29-96, Formerly 59P-6.002, Amended 12-11-97, 2-9-99, 8-9-00, 6-30-02, 7-8-03, 2-8-05, 5-14-06, 12-17-06, 8-13-08, 9-30-15.