The following application fees for migrant labor camp and residential migrant housing operations shall be assessed annually, with the exception of those facilities meeting the criteria in subsection (4), of this rule:

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Terms Used In Florida Regulations 64E-14.005

  • Complaint: A written statement by the plaintiff stating the wrongs allegedly committed by the defendant.
    (1) Camps or housing with facilities for 5 to 50 occupants: $125.00.
    (2) Camps or housing with facilities for 51 to 100 occupants: $225.00.
    (3) Camps or housing with facilities for 101 or more occupants: $500.00.
    (4) Migrant labor camps and residential migrant housing, which have been newly constructed and those which have been substantially renovated are exempt from the annual application fee required in this rule for the next annual permit after the renovation or construction occurred. The owner or operator of a mobile home/RV park as defined in Florida Statutes Chapter 513, that is also regulated as migrant farmworker housing, shall only be required to pay a single park fee, unless there have been major deficiencies or uncorrected deficiencies cited by the department, or administrative action taken within the past year regarding the requirements for migrant labor camps and residential migrant housing set forth in Florida Statutes Chapter 381, in which case the applicant shall pay the fee required in Florida Statutes § 381.0084
    (5) Permitted migrant labor camps and residential migrant housing are exempt from the application fee when the following three conditions have been met during the inspection year:
    (a) Had no uncorrected violations after reinspection by the department:
    (b) Had no pending administrative complaint or citation final orders;
    (c) Had no major deficiencies cited by the department.
    (6) Each $100 fee collected for requests for variances shall be deposited to a unique revenue code and shall be used solely for the enhancement of the Migrant Labor Camp and Residential Migrant Housing Program.
Rulemaking Authority 381.006(5), 381.0086 FS. Law Implemented Florida Statutes § 381.0084. History-New 1-1-77, Amended 10-7-84, Formerly 10D-25.55, Amended 8-6-92, 11-17-94, Formerly 10D-25.055, Amended 6-23-98, 9-12-99, 9-30-08.