Florida Regulations 69K-17.0026: Inactive Status License.
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(1) Any licensee may elect at the time of license renewal to place the license into inactive status by filing with the Board a complete application for inactive status as defined in Fl. Admin. Code R. 69K-17.0025, and paying the inactive status fee.
Rulemaking Authority 497.103, 497.365 FS. Law Implemented Florida Statutes § 497.365. History-New 1-2-95, Amended 11-11-99, Formerly 61G8-17.0026.
(2) An inactive status licensee may change to active status at any time provided the licensee meets the continuing education requirements of
Fl. Admin. Code R. 69K-17.0034, if applicable, pays the active status fees for each biennium during which the license was inactive, pays the reactivation fee, and if the request to change licensure status is made at any time other than at the beginning of a licensure cycle, pays the additional processing fee. However, a licensee whose license has been in inactive status for more than two consecutive biennial licensure cycles shall be required to appear before the Board before the license can be placed into active status. The Board at the time of the appearance shall impose upon the licensee reasonable conditions necessary to insure that the licensee can practice with the care and skill sufficient to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public.
Rulemaking Authority 497.103, 497.365 FS. Law Implemented Florida Statutes § 497.365. History-New 1-2-95, Amended 11-11-99, Formerly 61G8-17.0026.