As used in ss. 338.22338.241, the following words and terms have the following meanings, unless the context indicates another or different meaning or intent:

(1) “Bonds” or “revenue bonds” means notes, bonds, refunding bonds or other evidences of indebtedness or obligations, in either temporary or definitive form, issued by the Division of Bond Finance on behalf of the department and authorized under the provisions of ss. 338.22338.241 and the State Bond Act.
(2) “Cost,” as applied to a turnpike project, includes the cost of acquisition of all land, rights-of-way, property, easements, and interests acquired by the department for turnpike project construction; the cost of such construction; the cost of all machinery and equipment, financing charges, fees, and expenses related to the financing; establishment of reserves to secure bonds; interest prior to and during construction and for such period after completion of construction as shall be determined by the department; the cost of traffic estimates and of engineering and legal expenses, plans, specifications, surveys, estimates of cost and revenues; other expenses necessary or incident to determining the feasibility or practicability of acquiring or constructing any such turnpike project; administrative expenses; and such other expenses as may be necessary or incident to the acquisition or construction of a turnpike project, the financing of such acquisition or construction, and the placing of the turnpike project in operation.
(3) “Feeder road” means any road no more than 5 miles in length, connecting to the turnpike system which the department determines is necessary to create or facilitate access to a turnpike project.
(4) “Owner” includes any person or any governmental entity that has title to, or an interest in, any property, right, easement, or interest authorized to be acquired pursuant to ss. 338.22338.241.
(5) “Revenues” means all tolls, charges, rentals, gifts, grants, moneys, and other funds coming into the possession, or under the control, of the department by virtue of the provisions hereof, except the proceeds from the sale of bonds issued under ss. 338.22338.241.
(6) “Turnpike system” means those limited access toll highways and associated feeder roads and other structures, appurtenances, or rights previously designated, acquired, or constructed pursuant to the Florida Turnpike Enterprise Law and such other additional turnpike projects as may be acquired or constructed as approved by the Legislature.
(7) “Turnpike improvement” means any betterment necessary or desirable for the operation of the turnpike system, including, but not limited to, widenings, the addition of interchanges to the existing turnpike system, resurfacings, toll plazas, machinery, and equipment.
(8) “Economically feasible” means:

(a) For a proposed turnpike project, that, as determined by the department before the issuance of revenue bonds for the project, the estimated net revenues of the proposed turnpike project, excluding feeder roads and turnpike improvements, will be sufficient to pay at least 50 percent of the annual debt service on the bonds associated with the project by the end of the 12th year of operation and to pay at least 100 percent of the debt service on the bonds by the end of the 30th year of operation. In implementing this paragraph, up to 50 percent of the adopted work program costs of the project may be funded from turnpike revenues.

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Terms Used In Florida Statutes 338.221

  • person: includes individuals, children, firms, associations, joint adventures, partnerships, estates, trusts, business trusts, syndicates, fiduciaries, corporations, and all other groups or combinations. See Florida Statutes 1.01
(b) For turnpike projects, except for feeder roads and turnpike improvements, financed from revenues of the turnpike system, such project, or such group of projects, originally financed from revenues of the turnpike system, that the project is expected to generate sufficient revenues to amortize project costs within 15 years of opening to traffic.

This subsection does not prohibit the pledging of revenues from the entire turnpike system to bonds issued to finance or refinance a turnpike project or group of turnpike projects.

(9) “Turnpike project” means any extension to or expansion of the existing turnpike system and new limited access toll highways and associated feeder roads and other structures, interchanges, appurtenances, or rights as may be approved in accordance with the Florida Turnpike Enterprise Law.
(10) “Statement of environmental feasibility” means a statement by the Department of Environmental Protection of the project’s significant environmental impacts.