(1) Any person who is 5 years of age or older, or any person who has a disability, regardless of age, who applies for a disabled parking permit under s. 320.0848, may be issued an identification card by the department upon completion of an application and payment of an application fee.
(a) The application must include the following information regarding the applicant:
1. Full name (first, middle or maiden, and last), gender, proof of social security card number satisfactory to the department, which may include a military identification card, county of residence, mailing address, proof of residential address satisfactory to the department, country of birth, and a brief description.
2. Proof of birth date satisfactory to the department.
3. Proof of identity satisfactory to the department. Such proof must include one of the following documents issued to the applicant:
a. A driver license record or identification card record from another jurisdiction that required the applicant to submit a document for identification which is substantially similar to a document required under sub-subparagraph b., sub-subparagraph c., sub-subparagraph d., sub-subparagraph e., sub-subparagraph f., sub-subparagraph g., or sub-subparagraph h.;
b. A certified copy of a United States birth certificate;
c. A valid, unexpired United States passport;
d. A naturalization certificate issued by the United States Department of Homeland Security;
e. A valid, unexpired alien registration receipt card (green card);
f. A Consular Report of Birth Abroad provided by the United States Department of State;
g. An unexpired employment authorization card issued by the United States Department of Homeland Security; or
h. Proof of nonimmigrant classification provided by the United States Department of Homeland Security, for an original identification card. In order to prove nonimmigrant classification, an applicant must provide at least one of the following documents. In addition, the department may require applicants to produce United States Department of Homeland Security documents for the sole purpose of establishing the maintenance of, or efforts to maintain, continuous lawful presence:
(I) A notice of hearing from an immigration court scheduling a hearing on any proceeding.
(II) A notice from the Board of Immigration Appeals acknowledging pendency of an appeal.
(III) A notice of the approval of an application for adjustment of status issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
(IV) An official documentation confirming the filing of a petition for asylum or refugee status or any other relief issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
(V) A notice of action transferring any pending matter from another jurisdiction to Florida, issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
(VI) An order of an immigration judge or immigration officer granting relief that authorizes the alien to live and work in the United States, including, but not limited to, asylum.
(VII) Evidence that an application is pending for adjustment of status to that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States or conditional permanent resident status in the United States, if a visa number is available having a current priority date for processing by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
(VIII) On or after January 1, 2010, an unexpired foreign passport with an unexpired United States Visa affixed, accompanied by an approved I-94, documenting the most recent admittance into the United States.
An identification card issued based on documents required in sub-subparagraph g. or sub-subparagraph h. is valid for a period not to exceed the expiration date of the document presented or 1 year, whichever occurs first.
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Terms Used In Florida Statutes 322.051
- Appeal: A request made after a trial, asking another court (usually the court of appeals) to decide whether the trial was conducted properly. To make such a request is "to appeal" or "to take an appeal." One who appeals is called the appellant.
- Cancellation: means the act of declaring a driver license void and terminated but does not include a downgrade. See Florida Statutes 322.01
- Court: means any tribunal in this state or any other state, or any federal tribunal, which has jurisdiction over any civil, criminal, traffic, or administrative action. See Florida Statutes 322.01
- Department: means the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles acting directly or through its duly authorized representatives. See Florida Statutes 322.01
- Driver license: means a certificate that, subject to all other requirements of law, authorizes an individual to drive a motor vehicle and denotes an operator's license as defined in Florida Statutes 322.01
- Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
- Guardian: A person legally empowered and charged with the duty of taking care of and managing the property of another person who because of age, intellect, or health, is incapable of managing his (her) own affairs.
- Identification card: means a personal identification card issued by the department which conforms to the definition in Florida Statutes 322.01
- Jurisdiction: (1) The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case. Concurrent jurisdiction exists when two courts have simultaneous responsibility for the same case. (2) The geographic area over which the court has authority to decide cases.
- Oversight: Committee review of the activities of a Federal agency or program.
- Permit: means a document authorizing the temporary operation of a motor vehicle within this state subject to conditions established in this chapter. See Florida Statutes 322.01
- person: includes individuals, children, firms, associations, joint adventures, partnerships, estates, trusts, business trusts, syndicates, fiduciaries, corporations, and all other groups or combinations. See Florida Statutes 1.01
- Resident: means a person who has his or her principal place of domicile in this state for a period of more than 6 consecutive months, has registered to vote, has made a statement of domicile pursuant to…. See Florida Statutes 322.01
- State: means a state or possession of the United States, and, for the purposes of this chapter, includes the District of Columbia. See Florida Statutes 322.01
- United States: means the 50 states and the District of Columbia. See Florida Statutes 322.01
- veteran: means a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service and who was discharged or released under honorable conditions only or who later received an upgraded discharge under honorable conditions, notwithstanding any action by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs on individuals discharged or released with other than honorable discharges. See Florida Statutes 1.01
(b) An application for an identification card must be signed and verified by the applicant in a format designated by the department before a person authorized to administer oaths and payment of the applicable fee pursuant to s. 322.21.
(c) Each such applicant may include fingerprints and any other unique biometric means of identity.
(2)(a) Every identification card:
1. Issued to a person 5 years of age to 14 years of age shall expire, unless canceled earlier, on the fourth birthday of the applicant following the date of original issue.
2. Issued to a person 15 years of age and older shall expire, unless canceled earlier, on the eighth birthday of the applicant following the date of original issue.
Renewal of an identification card shall be made for the applicable term enumerated in this paragraph. Any application for renewal received later than 90 days after expiration of the identification card shall be considered the same as an application for an original identification card.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, if an applicant establishes his or her identity for an identification card using a document authorized under sub-subparagraph (1)(a)3.e., the identification card shall expire on the eighth birthday of the applicant following the date of original issue or upon first renewal or duplicate issued after implementation of this section. After an initial showing of such documentation, he or she is exempted from having to renew or obtain a duplicate in person.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, if an applicant establishes his or her identity for an identification card using an identification document authorized under sub-subparagraph (1)(a)3.g. or sub-subparagraph (1)(a)3.h., the identification card shall expire 1 year after the date of issuance or upon the expiration date cited on the United States Department of Homeland Security documents, whichever date first occurs, and may not be renewed or obtain a duplicate except in person.
(3) If an identification card issued under this section is lost, destroyed, or mutilated or a new name is acquired, the person to whom it was issued may obtain a duplicate upon furnishing satisfactory proof of such fact to the department and upon payment of a fee as provided in s. 322.21. The fee must include payment for the color photograph or digital image of the applicant. Any person who loses an identification card and who, after obtaining a duplicate, finds the original card shall immediately surrender the original card to the department. The same documentary evidence shall be furnished for a duplicate as for an original identification card.
(4) When used with reference to identification cards, “cancellation” means that an identification card is terminated without prejudice and must be surrendered. Cancellation of the card may be made when a card has been issued through error or when voluntarily surrendered to the department.
(5) No public entity shall be liable for any loss or injury resulting directly or indirectly from false or inaccurate information contained in identification cards provided for in this section.
(6) It is unlawful for any person:
(a) To display, cause or permit to be displayed, or have in his or her possession any fictitious, fraudulently altered, or fraudulently obtained identification card.
(b) To lend his or her identification card to any other person or knowingly permit the use thereof by another.
(c) To display or represent any identification card not issued to him or her as being his or her card.
(d) To permit any unlawful use of an identification card issued to him or her.
(e) To do any act forbidden, or fail to perform any act required, by this section.
(f) To photograph, photostat, duplicate, or in any way reproduce any identification card or facsimile thereof in such a manner that it could be mistaken for a valid identification card, or to display or have in his or her possession any such photograph, photostat, duplicate, reproduction, or facsimile unless authorized by the provisions of this section.
(7) Any person accepting the Florida driver license as proof of identification must accept a Florida identification card as proof of identification when the bearer of the identification card does not also have a driver license.
(8)(a) The department shall, upon receipt of the required fee, issue to each qualified applicant for an identification card a color photographic or digital image identification card bearing a fullface photograph or digital image of the identification cardholder. Notwithstanding chapter 761 or s. 761.05, the requirement for a fullface photograph or digital image of the identification cardholder may not be waived. A space shall be provided upon which the identification cardholder shall affix his or her usual signature, as required in s. 322.14, in the presence of an authorized agent of the department so as to ensure that such signature becomes a part of the identification card. Beginning November 1, 2023, each distinguishing number assigned to an original, renewal, or replacement identification card must have a minimum of four randomly generated digits.
(b)1. The word “Veteran” must be exhibited on the identification card of a veteran upon the presentation of a copy of the person’s:
a. DD Form 214, issued by the United States Department of Defense;
b. Veteran health identification card, issued by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs;
c. Veteran identification card, issued by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs pursuant to the Veterans Identification Card Act of 2015, Pub. L. No. 114-31; or
d. Other acceptable form specified by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.
2. Until a veteran’s identification card is next renewed, the veteran may have the word “Veteran” added to his or her identification card upon surrender of his or her current identification card and presentation of any of the forms of identification specified in subparagraph 1. If the applicant is not conducting any other transaction affecting the identification card, a replacement identification card must be issued with the word “Veteran” without payment of the fee required in s. 322.21(1)(f)3.c.
(c) The international symbol for the deaf and hard of hearing shall be exhibited on the identification card of a person who is deaf or hard of hearing upon the payment of an additional $1 fee for the identification card and the presentation of sufficient proof that the person is deaf or hard of hearing as determined by the department. Until a person’s identification card is next renewed, the person may have the symbol added to his or her identification card upon surrender of his or her current identification card, payment of a $2 fee to be deposited into the Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund, and presentation of sufficient proof that the person is deaf or hard of hearing as determined by the department. If the applicant is not conducting any other transaction affecting the identification card, a replacement identification card may be issued with the symbol without payment of the fee required in s. 322.21(1)(f)3.c. For purposes of this paragraph, the international symbol for the deaf and hard of hearing is substantially as follows:

(d) The department shall include symbols representing the following on an identification card upon the payment of an additional $1 fee by an applicant who meets the requirements of subsection (1) and presents his or her:
1. Lifetime freshwater fishing license;
2. Lifetime saltwater fishing license;
3. Lifetime hunting license;
4. Lifetime sportsman’s license; or
5. Lifetime boater safety identification card.
A person may replace his or her identification card before its expiration date with a card that includes his or her status as a lifetime licensee or boater safety cardholder upon surrender of his or her current identification card, payment of a $2 fee to be deposited into the Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund, and presentation of the person’s lifetime license or card. If the sole purpose of the replacement identification card is the inclusion of the applicant’s status as a lifetime licensee or cardholder, the replacement identification card must be issued without payment of the fee required in s. 322.21(1)(f)3.c.
(e)1. Upon request by a person who has a developmental disability, or by a parent or guardian of a child or ward who has a developmental disability, the department shall issue an identification card exhibiting a capital “D” for the person, child, or ward if the person or the parent or guardian of the child or ward submits:
a. Payment of an additional $1 fee; and
b. Proof acceptable to the department of a diagnosis by a licensed physician of a developmental disability as defined in s. 393.063.
2. The department shall deposit the additional $1 fee into the Agency for Persons with Disabilities Operations and Maintenance Trust Fund under s. 20.1971(2).
3. A replacement identification card that includes the designation may be issued without payment of the fee required under s. 322.21(1)(f).
4. The department shall develop rules to facilitate the issuance, requirements, and oversight of developmental disability identification cards under this section.
(9)(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section or s. 322.21 to the contrary, the department shall issue or renew a card at no charge to:
1. A person who presents a valid Florida voter’s registration card to the department and attests that he or she is experiencing a financial hardship. The department may not require such person to present evidence of a financial hardship.
2. A person who presents evidence satisfactory to the department that he or she is homeless as defined in s. 414.0252(7).
3. A juvenile offender who is in the custody or under the supervision of the Department of Juvenile Justice and receiving services pursuant to s. 985.461.
4. An inmate receiving a card issued pursuant to s. 944.605(7), or, if necessary, to an inmate receiving a replacement card if the department determines that he or she has a valid state identification card. If the replacement state identification card is scheduled to expire within 6 months, the department may also issue a temporary permit valid for at least 6 months after the release date.
(b) The department’s mobile issuing units shall process the identification cards for juvenile offenders and inmates at no charge, as provided by s. 944.605(7)(a) and (b).
(10) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section or s. 322.21 to the contrary, the department shall issue an identification card at no charge to a person who is 80 years of age or older and whose driving privilege is denied due to failure to pass a vision test administered pursuant to s. 322.18(5).