Florida Statutes 651.0261 – Quarterly and monthly statements
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(1) Within 45 days after the end of each fiscal quarter, each provider shall file a quarterly unaudited financial statement of the provider or of the facility in the form prescribed by commission rule and days cash on hand, occupancy, debt service coverage ratio, and a detailed listing of the assets maintained in the liquid reserve as required under s. 651.035. The last quarterly statement for a fiscal year is not required if a provider does not have pending a regulatory action level event, impairment, or a corrective action plan. If a provider falls below two or more of the thresholds set forth in s. 651.011(26) at the end of any fiscal quarter, the provider shall submit to the office, at the same time as the quarterly statement, an explanation of the circumstances and a description of the actions it will take to meet the requirements.
(2) If the office finds that such information is needed to properly monitor the financial condition of a provider or facility or is otherwise needed to protect the public interest, the office may require the provider to file:
(a) Within 25 days after the end of each month, a monthly unaudited financial statement of the provider or of the facility in the form prescribed by the commission by rule and a detailed listing of the assets maintained in the liquid reserve as required under s. 651.035.
Terms Used In Florida Statutes 651.0261
- Assets: (1) The property comprising the estate of a deceased person, or (2) the property in a trust account.
- Bankruptcy: Refers to statutes and judicial proceedings involving persons or businesses that cannot pay their debts and seek the assistance of the court in getting a fresh start. Under the protection of the bankruptcy court, debtors may discharge their debts, perhaps by paying a portion of each debt. Bankruptcy judges preside over these proceedings.
- Days cash on hand: means the quotient obtained by dividing the value of paragraph (a) by the value of paragraph (b). See Florida Statutes 651.011
- Debt service coverage ratio: means the quotient obtained by dividing the value of paragraph (a) by the value of paragraph (b). See Florida Statutes 651.011
- Facility: means a place where continuing care is furnished and may include one or more physical plants on a primary or contiguous site or an immediately accessible site. See Florida Statutes 651.011
- Fiscal year: The fiscal year is the accounting period for the government. For the federal government, this begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2006 begins on October 1, 2005 and ends on September 30, 2006.
- impairment: means that either of the following has occurred:(a) A provider has failed to maintain its minimum liquid reserve as required under…. See Florida Statutes 651.011
- Occupancy: means the total number of occupied independent living units, assisted living units, and skilled nursing beds in a facility divided by the total number of units and beds in that facility, excluding units and beds that are unavailable to market or that are reserved by prospective residents. See Florida Statutes 651.011
- Provider: means the owner or operator, whether a natural person, partnership or other unincorporated association, however organized, trust, or corporation, of an institution, building, residence, or other place, whether operated for profit or not, which owner or operator provides continuing care or continuing care at-home for a fixed or variable fee, or for any other remuneration of any type, whether fixed or variable, for the period of care, payable in a lump sum or lump sum and monthly maintenance charges or in installments. See Florida Statutes 651.011
- Regulatory action level event: means that any two of the following have occurred:(a) The provider's debt service coverage ratio is less than the greater of the minimum ratio specified in the provider's bond covenants or lending agreement for long-term financing or 1. See Florida Statutes 651.011
(b) Such other data, financial statements, and pertinent information as the commission or office may reasonably require with respect to the provider or the facility, its directors, or its trustees; or with respect to any parent, subsidiary, or affiliate, if the provider or facility relies on a contractual or financial relationship with such parent, subsidiary, or affiliate in order to meet the financial requirements of this chapter, to determine the financial status of the provider or of the facility and the management capabilities of its managers and owners.
(3) A filing under subsection (2) may be required if any of the following applies:
(a) The provider is:
1. Subject to administrative supervision proceedings;
2. Subject to a corrective action plan resulting from a regulatory action level event and for up to 2 years after the factors that caused the regulatory action level event have been corrected; or
3. Subject to delinquency or receivership proceedings or has filed for bankruptcy.
(b) The provider or facility displays a declining financial position.
(c) A change of ownership of the provider or facility has occurred within the previous 2 years.
(d) The provider is found to be impaired.
(4) The commission may by rule require all or part of the statements or filings required under this section to be submitted by electronic means in a computer-readable format compatible with an electronic data format specified by the commission.