Florida Statutes 893.08 – Exceptions
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(1) The following may be distributed at retail without a prescription, but only by a registered pharmacist:
(a) Any compound, mixture, or preparation described in Schedule V.
Terms Used In Florida Statutes 893.08
- Controlled substance: means any substance named or described in Schedules I-V of…. See Florida Statutes 893.02
- Mixture: means any physical combination of two or more substances, including, but not limited to, a blend, an aggregation, a suspension, an emulsion, a solution, or a dosage unit, whether or not such combination can be separated into its components by physical means, whether mechanical or thermal. See Florida Statutes 893.02
- person: includes individuals, children, firms, associations, joint adventures, partnerships, estates, trusts, business trusts, syndicates, fiduciaries, corporations, and all other groups or combinations. See Florida Statutes 1.01
- Pharmacist: means a person who is licensed pursuant to chapter 465 to practice the profession of pharmacy in this state. See Florida Statutes 893.02
- Potential for abuse: means that a substance has properties of a central nervous system stimulant or depressant or an hallucinogen that create a substantial likelihood of its being:(a) Used in amounts that create a hazard to the user's health or the safety of the community;(b) Diverted from legal channels and distributed through illegal channels; or(c) Taken on the user's own initiative rather than on the basis of professional medical advice. See Florida Statutes 893.02
- Prescription: includes any order for drugs or medicinal supplies which is written or transmitted by any means of communication by a licensed practitioner authorized by the laws of this state to prescribe such drugs or medicinal supplies, is issued in good faith and in the course of professional practice, is intended to be dispensed by a person authorized by the laws of this state to do so, and meets the requirements of…. See Florida Statutes 893.02
(b) Any compound, mixture, or preparation containing any depressant or stimulant substance described in s. 893.03(2)(a) or (c) except any amphetamine drug or sympathomimetic amine drug or compound designated as a Schedule II controlled substance pursuant to this chapter; in s. 893.03(3)(a); or in Schedule IV, if:
1. The compound, mixture, or preparation contains one or more active medicinal ingredients not having depressant or stimulant effect on the central nervous system, and
2. Such ingredients are included therein in such combinations, quantity, proportion, or concentration as to vitiate the potential for abuse of the controlled substances which do have a depressant or stimulant effect on the central nervous system.
(2) No compound, mixture, or preparation may be dispensed under subsection (1) unless such substance may, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, be lawfully sold at retail without a prescription.
(3) The exemptions authorized by this section shall be subject to the following conditions:
(a) The compounds, mixtures, and preparations referred to in subsection (1) may be dispensed to persons under age 18 only on prescription. A bound volume must be maintained as a record of sale at retail of excepted compounds, mixtures, and preparations, and the pharmacist must require suitable identification from every unknown purchaser.
(b) Such compounds, mixtures, and preparations shall be sold by the pharmacist in good faith as a medicine and not for the purpose of evading the provisions of this chapter. The pharmacist may, in his or her discretion, withhold sale to any person whom the pharmacist reasonably believes is attempting to purchase excepted compounds, mixtures, or preparations for the purpose of abuse.
(c) The total quantity of controlled substance listed in Schedule V which may be sold to any one purchaser within a given 48-hour period shall not exceed 120 milligrams of codeine, 60 milligrams dihydrocodeine, 30 milligrams of ethyl morphine, or 240 milligrams of opium.
(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the kind and quantity of any controlled substance that may be prescribed, administered, or dispensed to any person, or for the use of any person or animal, when it is prescribed, administered, or dispensed in compliance with the general provisions of this chapter.
(4) The dextrorotatory isomer of 3-methoxy-n-methylmorphinan and its salts (dextromethorphan) shall not be deemed to be included in any schedule by reason of enactment of this chapter.