§ 528. Pensions-providing-for-increased-take-home-pay. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary,

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Terms Used In N.Y. Education Law 528

  • Accumulated contributions: shall mean the sum of all the amounts deducted from the compensation of a contributor, and credited to his individual account in the annuity savings fund together with regular interest thereon. See N.Y. Education Law 501
  • Employer: shall mean the state of New York, the city, the village, school district board or trustee, or other agency of and within the state by which a teacher is paid. See N.Y. Education Law 501
  • New entrant: shall mean any teacher who is a member of the retirement system except a present teacher. See N.Y. Education Law 501
  • Pension: shall mean the annual payments for life derived from payments made by an employer as provided in this article. See N.Y. Education Law 501
  • Pension reserve: shall mean the present value of all payments to be made on account of any pension, or benefit in lieu of any pension, computed upon the basis of such mortality tables as shall be adopted by the retirement board with regular interest. See N.Y. Education Law 501
  • Retirement board: shall mean the retirement board provided by section five hundred four of this article. See N.Y. Education Law 501
  • Retirement system: shall mean the New York state teachers' retirement system provided for in section five hundred two of this article. See N.Y. Education Law 501
  • Service: shall mean actual teaching or supervision by the teacher during regular school hours of the day, and shall mean governmental service in the state of New York in another capacity where the teacher was a member of the New York state employees retirement system, and where such service was credited to the teacher in the said New York state employees retirement system. See N.Y. Education Law 501
  • Teacher: shall mean any regular teacher, special teacher, including any school librarian or physical training teacher, principal, vice-principal, supervisor, supervisory principal, director, superintendent, city superintendent, assistant city superintendent, district superintendent and other member of the teaching or professional staff of any class, public school, vocational school, truant reformatory school or parental school, and of any or all classes of schools within the state of New York, including schools on the Indian reservation, conducted under the order and superintendence of and wholly or partly at the expense of the New York state education department or of a duly elected board of education, board of school directors or board of trustees of the state or of any city or school district thereof, provided that no person shall be deemed a teacher within the meaning of this article who is not so employed for full time outside vacation periods. See N.Y. Education Law 501

a. beginning with the payroll period the first day of which is nearest to April first, nineteen hundred sixty, and ending with the payroll period immediately prior to that the first day of which is nearest to April first, nineteen hundred seventy, the contribution of each member of the retirement system who is a teacher within the provisions of subdivision four of section five hundred one of this article in the employ of the state of New York shall be reduced by five per centum of the compensation paid such member, and

b. beginning with the payroll period the first day of which is nearest to April first, nineteen hundred sixty-four, and ending with the payroll period immediately prior to that the first day of which is nearest to April first, nineteen hundred seventy, the contribution of each member of the retirement system who is a teacher within the provisions of subdivision four of section five hundred one of this article in the employ of the state of New York shall be reduced by an additional three per centum of the compensation paid such member, and

c. beginning with the payroll period the first day of which is nearest to April first, nineteen hundred sixty-six, and ending with the payroll period immediately prior to that the first day of which is nearest to April first, nineteen hundred seventy, the contribution of each member of the retirement system who is a teacher within the provisions of subdivision four of section five hundred one of this article in the employ of the state of New York whose rate of contribution is in excess of eight per centum shall be suspended.

Where a member's rate of contribution is less than the per centum by which his contribution is reduced, such rate shall be discontinued. A member whose rate of contribution shall be reduced pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision shall be deemed to have elected to have his rate so reduced unless he files an election pursuant to the provisions of subdivision two of this section.

2. Any member whose rate of contribution is reduced pursuant to the provisions of subdivision one of this section may by a written notice, duly acknowledged and filed with the retirement board within one year after such reduction or within one year after he last became a member, whichever is later, elect to make an additional contribution in addition to other contributions otherwise allowed in this article equal to the amount of such reduction. One year or more after the filing of such notice a member may withdraw such election by filing a written notice duly acknowledged and filed with the retirement board.

3. For the period of time as the provisions of this section shall be in effect, contributions for each member of the system whose rate of contribution is reduced by virtue of the provisions of subdivision one of this section shall be made to the pension accumulation fund by the state of New York in the same manner and at the same time as other contributions made by the state as employer of members of the retirement system at a rate fixed by the actuary which shall be computed to be sufficient to provide pensions-providing-for-increased-take-home-pay and other benefits which become payable on account of members in the employ of the state. The actuary engaged by the retirement board shall compute an additional contribution to be known as the "special deficiency contribution to provide a reserve-for-increased-take-home-pay." The amount of the reserve-for-increased-take-home-pay shall be the present value of that per centum of the member's compensation by which his contribution is reduced, or would otherwise be reduced if his rate of contribution equaled or exceeded eight per centum, during the period for which his rate of contribution was reduced as provided in subdivision one, plus regular and additional interest thereon to the date that pension and other benefits become payable.

4. Upon retirement a member whose rate of contribution shall be reduced pursuant to the provisions of subdivision one of this section will receive, in addition to the annuity and other pension benefits provided by this article, a pension which is the actuarial equivalent of the reserve-for-increased-take-home-pay to which he may be entitled, if any.

5. In addition to the return of accumulated contributions and the death benefit provided by the provisions of section five hundred twelve of this article, upon the death of a member who died before the effective date of his retirement and was in service upon which his membership was based when he died or was on the payroll in such service and paid within a period of twelve months prior to his death and had not been otherwise gainfully employed since he ceased to be on such payroll, and provided further, he had credit for one or more years of service while actually a member, then the reserve-for-increased-take-home-pay attributable to such member shall be paid in the same manner and at the same time as the death benefit is paid by reason of such member's membership in the retirement system.

6. The reserve-for-increased-take-home-pay shall be a portion of the pension accumulation fund and upon the retirement of a new entrant an amount equal to the reserve-for-increased-take-home-pay for such member shall be transferred from the pension accumulation fund to the pension reserve fund.

7. If a person has been a member of the retirement system and contributions have been made by the state as his employer to provide a reserve-for-increased-take-home-pay and such person has ceased to be a member of the system and upon rejoining the retirement system claims credit for such period, the member shall not be required to pay for such years of service as a contribution shall have been made by the state for pensions-providing-for-increased-take-home-pay pursuant to the provisions of this section.

8. Commencing with the payroll period the first day of which is nearest to April first, nineteen hundred sixty-one, the provisions of this section shall not apply to any member for any period or periods during which he ceases or has ceased contributing toward retirement pursuant to subdivision one of section five hundred sixteen of this article, provided, however, that such member shall receive credit pursuant to this section for such period or periods for which he contributes or has contributed toward retirement.