10 Guam Code Ann. § 64101
(a) The Guam Militia shall be composed of officers and noncom- missioned officers and such able-bodied residents of the Territory as shall volunteer for service therein.
(b) The Governor is authorized to maintain a Guam Militia reserve cadre of officer and noncommissioned officers; said officers and noncom- missioned officers to be a trained nucleus for such time as the Guam Militia may be activated. Said officers and noncommissioned officers shall be volunteers and shall serve with no pay or allowances except when called to territorial duty.
(c) The Adjutant General is authorized to maintain rosters of members qualified in accordance with this Chapter, and to order a periodic muster of the Guam Militia or any part thereof, without pay except when ordered to territorial duty. Said muster shall be for the purposes of updating rosters and personnel information, distributing items of uniform, presentation of awards and informing members concerning their function within the Guam Militia.
(d) The Adjutant General is also authorized to invite the voluntary participation of any or all members of the Guam Militia in affairs of state and appropriate holidays. At such times, such members of the Guam Militia shall come under the command of the Adjutant General, who shall assure their proper decorum and wearing of uniforms, and provide such transportation or other services as are necessary and available to the Depart- ment of Military Affairs.
SOURCE: GC § 40601.