10 Guam Code Ann. § 87109
(a) describing any safety and health violations; (b) citing any standards so violated;
(c) indicating the hazard rating of each violation; (d) recommending specific corrective action; and
(e) the date by which each cited violation must be corrected. This report shall be submitted to the Chief Officer of said agency for comment and action. A follow-up inspection shall take place after the corrective date deadline indicated in the Report, but in no event later than sixty (60) days from said date. The Safety Inspector(s) shall note any positive action taken, as well as the failure of the agency to correct other cited deficiencies. The Safety Inspector(s) shall then include these findings in a report to the Administrator, including, but not limited to, any recommendations to issue citations or give temporary relief to the agency through waiver or modification of specific standards.
SOURCE: Added by P.L. 19-19:2.