11 Guam Code Ann. § 5201
(b) (1) The Department shall collect the amount of limited gaming tax on the gross receipts from limited gaming activities
11 Guam Code Ann. FINANCE & TAXATION
determined pursuant to Subsection (a) of this Section from any limited gaming licensee owing the tax, and shall have all of the powers, rights, and duties provided for by law to carry out such collection.
(2) All moneys collected pursuant to this Section shall be deposited in the Fund created by § 5204 of this Act.
(c) Senior Citizen Centers. Notwithstanding the provisions of 11
GCA § 5205(a), all bingo games or raffles being conducted in the senior centers by persons enrolled in the senior program shall not be taxable.
Any income derived from the bingo games or sale of raffle tickets shall
go towards the activities of the senior citizens and for exclusive use by the senior citizens.
SOURCE: Added by P.L. 32-060:2 (July 9, 2013). Subsection (c) added as uncodified law by P.L. 32-068:XII:27 (Sept. 11, 2013). Codified to this section by the Compiler.