16 Guam Code Ann. § 3210
Such anchors or other devices shall be capable of withstanding a belt assembly load of five thousand (5,000) pounds.
(b) On or after January 1, 1967, no person shall sell or offer for sale any new passenger vehicle, other than a motorcycle, which is not equipped with at least two (2) safety belts or safety belt-shoulder harness combinations of a type approved by the Department of Public Safety which are installed for the use of persons in the front seat of the vehicle.
This Section applies only to a retail sale of, or an offer to sell at retail, a new passenger vehicle.
(c) Any safety belt or safety harness installed in a vehicle shall be large enough to accommodate an adult person and designed and installed in such a manner as to prevent or materially reduce movement of the person using the same in event of collision or upset of the vehicle.
(d) The Department of Public Safety shall establish specifications or requirements for approved-type safety belts. These requirements shall not be lower than those established by Federal Specifications used in the management of transportation
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16 Guam Code Ann. VEHICLES
equipment by the Bureau of Yards and Docks of the Department of the Navy.
(e) No person shall sell, offer, or keep for sale any safety belts, safety harness, or attachments thereto for use in vehicle unless of a type which has been approved by the Department of Public Safety.
SOURCE: GC § 23110.1, enacted by P.L. 8-177 (Aug. 19, 1966).