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As used in this Article:

(a) ‘Department’ means the Guam Police Department.

(b) ‘Handbilling’ means the distribution, solicitation or providing by an individual of any written or printed material. The term ‘handbilling’ shall not include:

(1) the distribution of any matter by means of a
‘dispensing rack’;

(2) any other structure or enclosure constructed by or under the direction of the government of Guam or the Guam Visitors Bureau for purposes of dispensing printed, written materials;

(3) newsstands; and

(4) any foot vendors of any printed material accepted and deemed as a daily publication of general circulation.

(c) ‘Tumon Bay’, for the purpose of this Act encompasses the following locations:

(1) The portion of Route 14, also known as Pale San Vitores Road, stretching from Archbishop Felixberto Flores Circle to the Marine Corps Drive intersection by the old Australian Cable Facility.

(2) The entire portion of Gun Beach Road starting from the intersection of Route 14, Pale San Vitores Road, traveling north to Gun Beach.

(d) ‘Sidewalk’ means the area located along the outermost, distal or leading edge vicinity along either side of the centerline of a primary or secondary public utility and access easement, structurally paved by an impermeable surface for the purpose of pedestrian foot traffic. In the absence of any curb or gutter, then the entire structural width


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16 Guam Code Ann. VEHICLES

of the pedestrian walk shall constitute a sidewalk.

2015 NOTE: Subsection designations were altered to adhere to the Compiler’s general codification scheme pursuant to the authority granted by 1 Guam Code Ann. § 1606.