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Recognizing the public safety hazards posed to both pedestrians and occupants and operators of motor vehicles alike by aggressive forms of panhandling, I Liheslaturan Guåhan by this Act intends to prohibit such panhandling in and along the public roadways of Guam. I Liheslaturan Guåhan finds that this Act is a reasonable time, place, and manner regulation designed to address a specific problem, namely, that individuals seeking handouts from occupants of motor vehicles on public roadways and other places are increasing the likelihood of accidents potentially injurious to both pedestrians and motor vehicle occupants, as well as creating traffic congestion and other similar public safety hazards. This Act properly balances constitutionally protected forms of speech and other communicative acts of individuals and groups on the one hand, and the legitimate content-neutral interests of the government of Guam on the other hand, particularly in view of public safety concerns and the availability of ample alternative methods of non-aggressive forms of panhandling in other more suitable public fora. There are substantial differences in nature between public streets, kept open


COL 6/21/2023

16 Guam Code Ann. VEHICLES

to and pulsing with vehicular traffic, and other public fora, including, but not limited to, most areas of sidewalks and public parks. This Act does not affect other forms of non-aggressive solicitation of funds, such as door-to-door, telephone, and mail solicitations, and does not restrict other types of speech such as oral advocacy, distribution of literature, petitioning, picketing, and other similar communicative acts that do not pose public safety hazards in the same manner as panhandling in the form of active solicitation of funds from motor vehicle occupants by persons in and along public roadways.

I Liheslaturan Guåhan further finds that to the extent that panhandling may in certain circumstances constitute a form of constitutionally protected speech, this Act expressly prohibits only specific actions when they occur in the context of panhandling, and in no way the content of that speech.