17 Guam Code Ann. § 3222
(a) The Department of Education (DOE) shall establish a Career
Information Delivery System pilot program beginning the School Year
2012-2013 for public middle school students upon enrollment to seventh
(7th) or eighth (8th) grade, and to public high school students upon enrollment in ninth (9th) or tenth (10th) grade. By November 1, 2011, the Superintendent of Education (Superintendent) shall select one (1) public high school to participate in the pilot program, which shall include all the public middle schools that feeds into the public high school. The Superintendent shall submit quarterly reports to the Board of Education (Board) regarding the progress of the pilot program, and by January 9,
2015, submit a final report detailing the Superintendent’s recommendations on whether the pilot program should be continued,
expanded, or terminated, subject to review and approval of the Board.
(b) Development and Implementation. The first meeting shall convene no later than November 14, 2011. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall consult with the President of the Guam Community College or his/her designee and the President of the University of Guam (UOG) or his/her designee to identify and recommend the following:
(1) the appropriate Career Information Delivery System tool to be utilized;
(2) the funding and resources required to support the implementation of the Career Information Delivery System;
(3) the procedures, rules and timeline to conduct the Career
Information Delivery System;
(4) the inventory reports to be generated, their purpose and rules for use by students, parents, educators, DOE counselors, DOE administrators and Department of Labor officials; and
(5) the necessity for DOE to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with other parties to implement the Career Information Delivery System.
(c) The Career Information Delivery System tools and procedures described in Subsection (b) of this Section shall be approved by the Superintendent.
(d) A Career Information Delivery System Committee shall be established to review the development, implementation, and the dissemination of the data from the Career Information Delivery System. The Committee shall be comprised of the following members: the
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Superintendent, or his/her designee as Committee chair; a school program consultant of DOE appointed by the Superintendent; the President of GCC, or his/her designee; and the President of UOG, or his/her designee.
(e) The public schools participating in the program shall establish a committee to execute the career interest inventories, and the committee shall report to the Career Information Delivery System Committee. The school principal shall appoint the following individuals to the committee: a designated representative; a Career Technical Education Counselor, or a DOE Counselor who is familiar with Career Technical Education (CTE); and a certified teacher, preferably one who is certified in CTE or who is familiar with CTE.
(f) Results and Data. DOE shall collaborate with GCC and UOG to identify supplemental data that can be collected from the career interest assessments for the planning and development use by education officials and Department of Labor officials.
(1) The results of the assessment shall provide a cluster of career interests to the student. The following shall be included in the summary of results:
(A) the cluster of career concentrations; (B) a list of job options per cluster;
(C) a summary explaining why these careers will suit the student’s interest; and
(D) guidance and counseling on education and training opportunities related to students’ Career Information Delivery System.
(2) The data per age group shall reflect the different career options and the number of students who show interest in those career options. The data shall be used by GCC, UOG and DOE to determine curriculum improvements for each interest.
SOURCE: Added by P.L. 31-080:2 (Sept. 30, 2011).
2013 NOTE: Pursuant to the authority granted by 1 Guam Code Ann. § 1606, lowercase letters in subsection (f)(1) were altered to adhere to the Compiler’s alpha-numeric scheme.