1 Guam Code Ann. § 406
SOURCE: (§ 406, § 407, § 408, § 409) Follows former Govt. Code §§ 105, 106, 107 and 108 unchanged, except that a paragraph has been added to § 408 to clear up questions that have arisen when the flags of foreign consulates are flown in close proximity to, but not in the same grouping as, the U.S. or Guam flags. Also, provision for flying the territorial flag at
night has been added. A suggestion was made to prohibit the flying of the flag in inclement weather. Due to the rapidly changing weather, defining Ainclement@ would pose considerable difficulty, and so this suggestion was not adopted.
1 Guam Code Ann. § 406
SOURCE: (§ 406, § 407, § 408, § 409) Follows former Govt. Code §§ 105, 106, 107 and 108 unchanged, except that a paragraph has been added to § 408 to clear up questions that have arisen when the flags of foreign consulates are flown in close proximity to, but not in the same grouping as, the U.S. or Guam flags. Also, provision for flying the territorial flag at
night has been added. A suggestion was made to prohibit the flying of the flag in inclement weather. Due to the rapidly changing weather, defining Ainclement@ would pose considerable difficulty, and so this suggestion was not adopted.