2 Guam Code Ann. § 15105
(a) plan and prepare for and adapt to the impending impacts of climate change on the island and people of Guam;
(b) understand and address the contribution to climate change
and global warming from local activites, to include, but not limited to, government of Guam and local federal activites;
(c) mitigate the contribution of the government of Guam to climate change and global warming;
(d) support I Maga’låhi’s efforts pursuant to Executive Order No.
2015-08 on his creation of the Guam Climate Change Task Force (Task Force) and the Climate Change Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee);
(e) review the discussions, reports, and recommendations by I Maga’låhi’s Guam Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and other outputs and reports from the Task Force and Advisory Committee;
(f) recommend policies to promote clean air and clean water for the people of Guam;
(g) recommend policies for the advancement of the use of renewable energy from an individual and governmental perspective toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions;
(h) recommend policies to address climate-induced migration and displacement;
(i) prioritize and focus policy recommendations on climate change resilience, ecosystem and biodiversity protection, waste management and pollution control, and environmental governance; and
(j) recommend to I Liheslatura policy and funding recommendations to incorporate the needs and focus necessary to ensure climate change impacts to the people and island of Guam are planned and prepared for, addressed and/or mitigated.