5 Guam Code Ann. § 22411
85-01 Reconstruction of Route 8, Phase 1
85-02 Reconstruction of Route 1 (from Y-Sengsong Road to Gayinero Road)
85-04 Interchange of Route 1 in Agana
85-05 Reconstruction of Route 2 (from Agat to Umatac)
85-07 Reconstruction of Route 1 (from Route 4, Agana to
Route 11 Intersection, Piti)
85-08 Reconstruction of Route 1 (From Route 11, Piti, to
Route 2A Intersection, Agat)
85-09 Extension of Chalan Kanton Tutujan in Sinajana to
Route 7, Agana Heights)
SOURCE: GC § 6125 added by P.L. 17-79:3.
NOTE: Please see P.L. 19-2:2, as amended by P.L. 19-17, 1 and 2, for a prioritized listing of highway projects. Same comprises the legislative intent for expenditure of funds “”derived pursuant to Resolution No. 75 (Highway Bonds).””