5 Guam Code Ann. § 3129
Terms Used In 5 Guam Code Ann. § 3129
- Fiscal year: The fiscal year is the accounting period for the government. For the federal government, this begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2006 begins on October 1, 2005 and ends on September 30, 2006.
- Lease: A contract transferring the use of property or occupancy of land, space, structures, or equipment in consideration of a payment (e.g., rent). Source: OCC
behalf of the people of Guam, has issued official notice to the United States Navy, to the Federal government and to all other concerned individuals and authorities that the Komitea Para Tiyan shall continue to assume the authority, duties and responsibilities as ‘caretaker’ of Naval Air Station, Guam (“”NAS””) during the interim period and until such time as all requirements are successfully accomplished for the issuance of title to the government of Guam to the property and parcels comprising NAS.
(b) Personnel. The Komitea Para Tiyan may hire personnel to perform the functions that are necessary for the effective performance of the responsibilities and obligations of caretaker.
(c) [Repealed.]
SOURCE: Added by P.L. 24-59:IV:1 as § 3128. Recodified as § 3129 by the Compiler as § 3128 was previously codified. Amended by P.L. 25-
003:IV:3 as § 3128. Subsection (c) repealed by P.L. 36-071:13 (Dec. 27,
2022 NOTE: Prior to its repeal by P.L. 36-071:13 (Dec. 27, 2021), subsection (c) stated:
Komitea Para Tiyan Authorized to Charge Rents and Fees. The Komitea Para Tiyan is designated the responsibility of developing and recommending the planning activities in the reuse of NAS or the various use or potential uses of the facilities within NAS for the maximum benefit of the people of Guam. The Komitea Para Tiyan is authorized to identify and adopt the types of fees, charges and assessments for use of NAS facilities, and is exempt from the provisions of the Administrative Adjudication Law. All money collected or proceeds received from lease fees, service fees or rentals of equipment and facilities within NAS, with the exception of those facilities and fees currently being administered by the Department of Education, shall be promptly accounted for and deposited into the
‘Komitea Para Tiyan Fund’ of the government of Guam. There is created within the government of Guam, a ‘Komitea Para Tiyan Fund’ which is to be maintained separate and apart from other funds. All money collected and deposited into Komitea Para Tiyan Fund
shall be used exclusively by the Komitea Para Tiyan, and the Komitea Para Tiyan is authorized to expend, as authorized and appropriated by I Liheslaturan Guåhan, such funds for the operations, maintenance of NAS grounds and facilities, and for the
payment of utility expenses incurred by the common areas of Tiyan, but not for utility expenses incurred by any department or agency.
For the purpose of this Section, ‘common areas of Tiyan’ are those areas within the confines of Naval Air Station (‘NAS’) that have not
been allocated or designated for use by any agency or department of the government of Guam. The Director of the Department of Administration shall submit a quarterly financial statement detailing the status of the Komitea Para Tiyan Fund to the Speaker of I Liheslaturan Guåhan. Any amount remaining in the Komitea Para Tiyan Fund at the end of each fiscal year shall be transferred to the Tiyan Trust Fund as outlined in § 68982 of Article 12 of Chapter 68, Division 2 of Title 21 of the Guam Code Annotated.
2009 NOTE: P.L. 28-045:10 (June 6, 2005) changed the name of the Department of Education to the Guam Public School System. The passage of P.L. 30-050:2 (July 14, 2009) reverted the name to the Department of Education.
§ 3130. Annual Public Hearing Requirements on Fee
All departments and agencies of the government of Guam that administer and collect fees for government services shall conduct a public hearing on existing fee schedules to receive and ascertain public opinion thereon within sixty (60) days of enactment of this Act. Beginning in 2008, all such departments and agencies shall conduct such hearings on an annual basis prior to April 1 of each year and shall regularly adjust existing fees, pursuant to the Administrative Adjudication Act, or implement new fees for the purpose of cost recovery.
SOURCE: Added by P.L. 29-002:V:IX:2 (May 18, 2007).
2013 NOTE: This section was originally codified as 5 Guam Code Ann. 3111 by P.L.
29-002:V:IX:2. Recodified by the Compiler to this section pursuant to 1
GCA § 1606.