5 Guam Code Ann. § 63603
(1) The permit must state the individual or individuals who will be taking the coral;
(2) The permit must state the time, date and location from which the coral is to be taken;
(3) The Director may limit each permit to a specified amount of coral to be taken, taking into account the location from which the coral is to be taken, the amount of living coral remaining and the likelihood of damage caused to the reef area by the taking of the coral.
(b) The Director of Agriculture may, by regulation, establish a fee schedule based upon the amount or value of the coral to be taken commercially, establish areas on Guam where no coral may be taken, limited coral may be taken, or unlimited coral may be taken, and impose any other restrictions necessary for the conservation of our coral reserves, all subject to the permits as required by this Article.
SOURCE: GC § 12382 added by P.L. 12-186 (Nov. 20, 1974).