5 Guam Code Ann. § 73205
Customs and Quarantine Agency, a fund to be known as the
‘Carrier Off-Duty Services Revolving Fund’ which shall be separate and apart from other funds in the government of Guam, and for which independent records shall be maintained.
(b) Deposits. All money received in accordance with this Act shall be deposited into the Carrier Off-Duty Services Revolving Fund.
(c) Authorized Expense(s). All authorized expenses for providing customs, agriculture and quarantine service(s) pursuant to this Act, shall be paid by the Treasurer of Guam from theCarrier Off-Duty Services Revolving Fund upon the submittal of vouchers certified by the Director of Customs and Quarantine or the Director of Agriculture. Each officer shall be responsible for all employer retirement contribution which may be applicable on their behalf.
(d) Report. In the first January after the enactment of this Act, and every six (6) months thereafter, the Director of Customs and Quarantine shall prepare and transmit via I Maga’lahen Guåhan [Governor] to the Speaker of I Liheslaturan Guåhan [Guam Legislature] a detailed report on the status of the Carrier Off-Duty Services Revolving Fund to include an itemization of expenditures charged against the Fund.
SOURCE: Article 2 added by P.L. 25-138:1.