(a) A motor carrier shall file with the director a form prescribed by the director containing a description of the commercial motor vehicle registered to the motor carrier. There shall be one form per vehicle. The form shall be filed when:

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Terms Used In Hawaii Revised Statutes 286-204.5

  • Director: means the director of transportation. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 286-201
  • Motor carrier: as used in this part means any person who owns a motor vehicle used in, or engages in the transportation of persons or property by motor vehicle on the public highways in the furtherance of any commercial, industrial, or educational enterprise. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 286-201
(1) The original application for a safety clearance is filed with the director;
(2) A new commercial motor vehicle is placed in service;
(3) A commercial motor vehicle is withdrawn from service; and
(4) New state license plates are issued for a commercial motor vehicle; provided that the form shall be filed not more than five days, including weekends and holidays, after the issuance of the plates.
(b) Upon the filing under subsection (a), the director shall issue a motor vehicle identification card for that commercial motor vehicle. The card shall contain information sufficient to identify the owner of the vehicle and other information deemed necessary by the director.
(c) A motor carrier shall inform the director, by filing a form prescribed by the director, of when a commercial motor vehicle registered to the motor carrier is disposed of, transferred, sold, or otherwise taken out of service by that carrier. The motor carrier shall surrender the vehicle identification card to the director with the filing of the form by affixing the card thereto.