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Terms Used In Hawaii Revised Statutes 346-30

  • Continuance: Putting off of a hearing ot trial until a later time.
  • county: includes the city and county of Honolulu. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 1-22
  • Public assistance: means financial assistance to or for the benefit of persons whom the department has determined to be without sufficient means of support to maintain a standard consistent with this chapter, payments to or on behalf of such persons for medical care, and social service payments as described under the Social Security Act. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 346-1
  • Recipient: means the person for whose use and benefit services are rendered or a grant of public assistance is made. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 346-1

During the continuance of public assistance under this chapter, no recipient shall receive any other public assistance from the State or any county, except for necessary medical, dental, and surgical care, or in such amounts as are necessary to supplement the public assistance granted pursuant to this chapter, where the amounts of such other public assistance from the State or any county have been taken into consideration in deciding upon any application for public assistance.