Hawaii Revised Statutes 461J-2.3 – Physical therapist use of support or auxiliary personnel
Terms Used In Hawaii Revised Statutes 461J-2.3
- Board: means the board of physical therapy. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 461J-1
- Physical therapist: means a person who is licensed to practice physical therapy in this State. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 461J-1
- Practice of physical therapy: includes , but is not limited to, the use of the following:
(1) Physical agents, such as heat, cold, water, air, sound, compression, light, electricity, and electromagnetic radiation;
(2) Exercise with or without devices, joint mobilization, mechanical stimulation; biofeedback; postural drainage; traction; positioning, massage, splinting, training in locomotion, and other functional activities with or without assisting devices; and correction of posture, body mechanics, and gait;
(3) Tests and measurements of: muscle strength, force, endurance, and tone; joint motion, mobility, and stability; reflexes and automatic reaction; movement skill and accuracy; sensation and perception; peripheral nerve integrity; locomotor skill, stability, and endurance; activities of daily living; cardiac, pulmonary, and vascular functions; the fit, function, and comfort of prosthetic, orthotic, and other assisting devices; posture and body mechanics; limb strength, circumference, and volume; thoracic excursion and breathing patterns; vital signs; nature and locus of pain and conditions under which pain varies; photosensitivity; and the home and work physical environments. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 461J-1