§ 432E-9 Utilization review
§ 432E-10 Managed care plan performance measurement and data reporting standards
§ 432E-11 Accreditation of managed care plans
§ 432E-12 Rules
§ 432E-13 Annual report

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Terms Used In Hawaii Revised Statutes > Chapter 432E > Part III - Reporting and Other Provisions

  • benefits: means those health care services to which an enrollee is entitled under the terms of a health benefit plan. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 432E-1
  • Commissioner: means the insurance commissioner. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 432E-1
  • Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
  • Damages: Money paid by defendants to successful plaintiffs in civil cases to compensate the plaintiffs for their injuries.
  • Disclose: means to release, transfer, or otherwise divulge protected health information to any person other than the individual who is the subject of the protected health information. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 432E-1
  • Discovery: Lawyers' examination, before trial, of facts and documents in possession of the opponents to help the lawyers prepare for trial.
  • Enrollee: means a person who enters into a contractual relationship under or who is provided with health care services or benefits through a health benefit plan. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 432E-1
  • External review: means a review of an adverse determination (including a final adverse determination) conducted by an independent review organization pursuant to this chapter. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 432E-1
  • Health care services: means services for the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, cure, or relief of a health condition, illness, injury, or disease. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 432E-1
  • Health maintenance organization: means a health maintenance organization as defined in § 432D-1. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 432E-1
  • Managed care plan: means any plan, policy, contract, certificate, or agreement, regardless of form, offered or administered by any person or entity, including but not limited to an insurer governed by chapter 431, a mutual benefit society governed by chapter 432, a health maintenance organization governed by chapter 432D, a preferred provider organization, a point of service organization, a health insurance issuer, a fiscal intermediary, a payor, a prepaid health care plan, and any other mixed model, that provides for the financing or delivery of health care services or benefits to enrollees through:

    (1) Arrangements with selected providers or provider networks to furnish health care services or benefits; and

    (2) Financial incentives for enrollees to use participating providers and procedures provided by a plan;

    provided that for the purposes of this chapter, an employee benefit plan shall not be deemed a managed care plan with respect to any provision of this chapter or to any requirement or rule imposed or permitted by this chapter that is superseded or preempted by federal law. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 432E-1

  • month: means a calendar month; and the word "year" a calendar year. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 1-20
  • Participating provider: means a licensed or certified provider of health care services or benefits, including mental health services and health care supplies, who has entered into an agreement with a health carrier to provide those services or supplies to enrollees. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 432E-1
  • provider: means a health care professional. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 432E-1
  • Testify: Answer questions in court.
  • Utilization review: means a set of formal techniques designed to monitor the use of, or evaluate the clinical necessity, appropriateness, efficacy, or efficiency of, health care services, procedures, or settings. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 432E-1