When a court’s judgment or order provides that the suspension of an individual’s driver’s license or driving privileges shall begin after the individual is released from confinement or imprisonment, the department, for purposes of administering the ordered suspension, shall consider the driver’s license or driving privileges as suspended effective as of the end of the last day of the fixed portion of the ordered sentence, as shown by the judgment or sentencing order of the court.
(1)  Unless otherwise ordered by the court, the suspension shall remain in effect until the individual applies for reinstatement of his or her driver’s license or driving privileges and can provide verifiable documentation to establish the date of release from confinement or imprisonment and show that the court-ordered suspension period has expired since the individual’s release. Upon such a showing, the department will reinstate the individual’s driver’s license or driving privileges as provided by law.

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(2)  Where the department is notified of the release of the individual, either by the court or the agency having custody over the individual during the period of confinement or imprisonment, the department shall amend its records to reflect the actual court-ordered period of suspension.
(3)  No time credit against the court-ordered period of suspension will be given while the individual is incarcerated or if the individual is reincarcerated. The entire period of the court-ordered suspension must run after the individual is released from confinement or imprisonment.