Every city incorporated under the laws of the territory of Idaho or of the state of Idaho shall have power and authority to issue city coupon bonds in a sufficient amount to acquire, by purchase or otherwise, waterworks plants and water supply, light and power plants, storm sewers and sanitary sewerage systems, and to construct, enlarge, extend, repair, alter and improve such plants or systems notwithstanding the percentage limitation of the previous section. "Waterworks plants and water supply" include by way of example but not by way of limitation, a public water system providing water at any temperature for space heating or cooling, culinary, sanitary, recreational or therapeutic uses.
The amount for which bonds may be issued for purposes as in this section provided shall be determined by the council and stated in the ordinance therefor, and shall be authorized in such amount as the city council shall deem necessary by one or more bond elections, called as provided in section 50-1026, Idaho Code, or amendatory act.