(1) All licenses issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be for a term of one (1) year and shall expire on the birthday of the licensee unless renewed in the manner prescribed by rule. License renewal and reinstatement shall be in accordance with section 67-2614, Idaho Code.
(2)  The board may issue an inactive license to a licensee pursuant to rules adopted by the board that may specify the terms, procedures, and fees necessary to maintain an inactive license. The holder of an inactive license shall not engage in any practice requiring a license under this chapter. An occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant wishing to convert an inactive license to an active license must account to the board for that period of time in which the license was inactive and must fulfill requirements that demonstrate competency to resume practice. Those requirements may include, but are not limited to, education, supervised practice, and examination. The board may consider practice in another jurisdiction in determining competency.