Upon receipt of the plat and certificate of valuation the county superintendent shall advertise the sale of such land in lots, as divided and platted, by publishing notice thereof once each week for 3 successive weeks prior to the date of the sale in a newspaper published in the county describing the land and stating the time, place and terms of the sale, and shall be in the following form:


    Notice is hereby given that on the …. day of …. 1 …., between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M., the undersigned superintendent of schools of …. county, will sell at public sale to the highest bidder, at the …. door of the court house in ….(or on the premises), the following described real estate, the same being school lands of township No. …. range No. …., as divided, and platted by the (township land commissioners) (trustees of schools of said township), to-wit: (here insert full and complete description of said premises). Said lands will be sold for cash in hand, with the privilege to any purchaser of borrowing from the undersigned the whole or part of the payment of his bid, for not less than 1 nor more than 5 years, upon his paying interest and giving security as required in case of a loan obtained from the township fund.
     Dated this …. day of …. 1 …..

A …. B ….
County Superintendent

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