By November 1, 1975, each County Clerk shall forward to the Department legible copies of brands registered in his county under the provisions of “An Act in regard to marks and brands”. Thereafter, the Department shall publish notice of the provisions of this Act and shall notify each person entered in these records as having a brand recorded that re-recording is required. Each such person shall forward to the Department a facsimile brand, a recording fee of $15, and completed application on forms prescribed by the Department. If 2 or more facsimile brands are submitted which so closely resemble each other that they cannot be readily distinguished, the one first recorded in one of the brand books furnished by County Clerks shall be accepted and all others shall be returned as provided in this Act. If such brands have not been previously recorded in a brand book, the Department shall accept the one bearing the earliest postmark. All other brands shall be returned to the applicants together with explanation.
     The date a brand is re-recorded with the Department shall be the official date utilized in determining renewal date of a brand as required in Section 7 of this Act.

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     All brands which are not re-recorded with the Department by January 1, 1976, shall be cancelled immediately.