§ 40 ILCS 5/9-101 Creation of fund
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-102 Terms defined
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-103 Fund
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-104 The 1925 Act
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-105 County pension fund
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-106 Effective date
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-107 Retirement board or board
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-108 “Employee”, “contributor” or “participant”
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-108.1 Employees of County Department of Public Aid transferred to State employment by operation of law
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-108.2 Gender
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-108.3 In service
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-109 “Present employee”
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-110 “Future entrant”
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-111 Re-entrant
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-112 Salary
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-113 Disability
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-114 Injury
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-115 Child or children
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-116 Withdraws from service, withdrawal from service or withdrawal
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-117 Assets
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-118 Effective rate of interest, interest at the effective rate, or interest
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-119 Annuity
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-119.1 Earned annuity
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-120 Persons to whom article does not apply
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-120.1 CTA – continued participation; military service credit
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-121 Election of county officer to become contributor
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-121.1 General Assembly transfer
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-121.2 Validation of service credits
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-121.3 (a) Persons otherwise required or eligible to participate in the Fund …
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-121.4 Service as Village Trustee
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-121.5 Elected county officer transfer of credits
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-121.6 Alternative annuity for county officers
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-121.7 Alternative survivor’s benefits for survivors of county officers. In …
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-121.8 Transfer of creditable service to Article 8 or 13 Fund
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-121.9 Age Discrimination
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-121.10 Transfer to Article 14
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-121.11 Transfer of credit from Article 8 or 11
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-121.12 Transfer to Article 18 system
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-121.13 Transfer of Article 5 credits
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-121.15 Transfer of credit from Article 14 system
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-121.16 Contractual service to the Retirement Board
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-121.17 Transfer from Article 3
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-121.18 Transfer to Article 5
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-122 Time of fixing annuities-Waiver
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-123 Prior service annuities-When due
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-124 Age and service annuity
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-125 Annuities – Present employees and future entrants attaining age 65 in …
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-126 Annuities-Present employees and future entrants-Withdrawal after age 60 and prior to 65
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-127 Annuities – Present employees and future entrants – Withdrawal after …
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-128 Annuities – Present employees and future entrants – Withdrawal before …
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-128.1 Annuities for members of the County Police Department
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-128.2 Stipends
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-129 Annuities-Re-entry into service
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-130 Service after time of fixing annuity
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-131 Prior service annuity credits
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-132 Minimum annuity
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-133 Automatic increase in annuity
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-133.1 Automatic increases in annuity for certain heretofore retired participants
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-134 Minimum annuity – Additional provisions
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-134.1 Preservation of minimum annuity rights for certain house of correction employees and their widows
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-134.2 Early retirement incentives
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-134.3 Early retirement incentives
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-134.4 Early retirement incentives
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-134.5 Alternative retirement cancellation payment
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-135.1 Death benefit
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-136 Widow’s prior service annuity
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-137 Widow’s annuity
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-138 Widow’s annuity-Present employee age 65 on effective date
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-139 Widow’s annuity-Present employees and future entrants attaining age 65 in service
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-140 Widow’s annuity-Present employees and future entrants-Death in service before 65
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-141 Widow’s annuity-Present employees and future entrants-Withdrawal after age 60 but before 65
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-142 Widow’s annuity – Present employees and future entrants – Withdrawal …
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-143 Widow’s annuity – Present employees and future entrants – Withdrawal …
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-144 Widow’s annuities – Present employees and future entrants – …
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-145 Widow’s annuities-Re-entry of employee into service
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-146 Employee’s widow’s annuities – No contributions or service credits …
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-146.1 Minimum annuities for widows
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-146.2 Automatic annual increase in widow’s annuity
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-147 Compensation annuity and supplemental annuity
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-148 Widows or wives not entitled to annuity
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-148.1 Widow’s annuity for widow married to member for at least one year. …
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-149 Widow’s remarriage to terminate annuity
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-149.1 Annuities to survivors of female employees
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-150 Maximum annuities
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-150.1 The provisions of parts (1) (b) and (c) of Section 9-150, of this …
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-151 Mortality tables and interest rates
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-152 Computation of interest
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-153 Term annuities – How computed
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-154 Child’s annuity
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-155 Amount of child’s annuity
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-156 Duty disability benefit – Child’s disability benefit
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-157 Ordinary disability benefit
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-158 Proof of disability, duty and ordinary
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-159 When disability benefit not payable
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-160 Annuity after withdrawal while disabled
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-161 Re-entry into service
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-162 Re-entry into service – Prior employee
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-163 Restoration of rights
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-164 Refunds – Withdrawal before age 55 or with less than 10 years of service
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-165 Refund of widow’s annuity deductions
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-166 Refunds – when paid to beneficiary, children or estate
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-167 Refund – In lieu of annuity
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-169 Financing; tax levy and other funding sources
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-169.1 Annual actuarial report
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-169.2 Minimum required employer contribution
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-170 Contributions for age and service annuities for present employees, future entrants and re-entrants
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-170.1 From and after January 1, 1970 any employee who is credited with 35 …
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-170.2 The county may pick up the employee contributions required by …
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-171 Additional contributions for age and service annuities for present …
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-172 Contributions by employee after annuity is fixed
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-173 Additional contributions and credits-all employees
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-174 Contributions by disabled employee whose ordinary disability benefit has expired
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-175 Interest credits-all employees
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-176 Contributions for widow’s annuity for widows of present employees, future entrants and re-entrants
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-176.1 Contributions by female employees
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-177 Additional contributions for widow’s annuity for widows of present …
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-178 Widow’s annuity interest credits-all employees
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-179 Election as to amount to be deducted from compensation-refunds
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-179.1 Military service
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-179.2 Other governmental service-former county service
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-179.3 Optional plan of additional benefits and contributions
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-179.4 Service for periods of furlough or salary reduction
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-180 Contributions by county for duty disability benefit
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-181 Contributions by county for ordinary disability benefit
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-182 Contributions by county for prior service annuities and pensions under former acts
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-183 Contribution by county for administration costs
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-184 Estimates of sums required for certain annuities and benefits
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-184.5 Delinquent contributions; deduction from payments of State funds to the county
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-185 Board created
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-186 Board elections
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-187 Board vacancy
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-188 Board officers
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-189 Board meetings
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-190 Board powers and duties
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-191 To supervise collections
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-192 To notify of deductions
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-193 To accept gifts
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-194 To invest the reserves
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-194.1 To lend securities
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-194.2 To rent office facilities
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-195 To have an audit
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-196 To authorize payments
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-197 To determine service credits
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-198 To issue certificate of prior service
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-199 To submit an annual report
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-200 To subpoena witnesses
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-201 To appoint employees
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-202 To make rules
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-202.1 To reproduce records
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-203 Moneys to be held on deposit
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-204 Accounting
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-216 Treasurer of fund
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-217 Attorney
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-218 Computation of term of service, annual salary and salary deductions. …
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-219 Computation of service
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-220 Basis of service credit
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-220.1 Service of less than 15 days in one month
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-222 Basis of salary deduction
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-223 Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-224 Employees in territory annexed
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-225 County pension fund superseded
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-226 Employees serving county and forest preserve district
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-227 Employees of Cook County School of Nursing-credits
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-228 Attachment; withholding
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-229 Board members-no compensation
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-230 No commissions on investments
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-231 Duties of county officers
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-232 Age of employee
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-233 Office facilities
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-234 Compliance with article
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-235 Felony conviction
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-236 Administrative review
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-237 General provisions and savings clause
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-238 Employees of county department of public aid who transfer to state …
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-239 Group Health Benefit
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-240 Group health benefit funding
§ 40 ILCS 5/9-241 Mistake in benefit

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Terms Used In Illinois Compiled Statutes > 40 ILCS 5 > Article 9 - County Employees' and Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund - Counties Over 3,000,000 Inhabitants

  • Amortization: Paying off a loan by regular installments.
  • Annuity: A periodic (usually annual) payment of a fixed sum of money for either the life of the recipient or for a fixed number of years. A series of payments under a contract from an insurance company, a trust company, or an individual. Annuity payments are made at regular intervals over a period of more than one full year.
  • Answer: The formal written statement by a defendant responding to a civil complaint and setting forth the grounds for defense.
  • Appropriation: The provision of funds, through an annual appropriations act or a permanent law, for federal agencies to make payments out of the Treasury for specified purposes. The formal federal spending process consists of two sequential steps: authorization
  • Assets: (1) The property comprising the estate of a deceased person, or (2) the property in a trust account.
  • Attachment: A procedure by which a person's property is seized to pay judgments levied by the court.
  • Beneficiary: A person who is entitled to receive the benefits or proceeds of a will, trust, insurance policy, retirement plan, annuity, or other contract. Source: OCC
  • Bequest: Property gifted by will.
  • Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
  • County board: means the board of county commissioners in counties not under township organization, and the board of supervisors in counties under township organization, and the board of commissioners of Cook County. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.07
  • Discovery: Lawyers' examination, before trial, of facts and documents in possession of the opponents to help the lawyers prepare for trial.
  • Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
  • Executor: A male person named in a will to carry out the decedent
  • Fiscal year: The fiscal year is the accounting period for the government. For the federal government, this begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2006 begins on October 1, 2005 and ends on September 30, 2006.
  • Fraud: Intentional deception resulting in injury to another.
  • Garnishment: Generally, garnishment is a court proceeding in which a creditor asks a court to order a third party who owes money to the debtor or otherwise holds assets belonging to the debtor to turn over to the creditor any of the debtor
  • Gift: A voluntary transfer or conveyance of property without consideration, or for less than full and adequate consideration based on fair market value.
  • Guardian: A person legally empowered and charged with the duty of taking care of and managing the property of another person who because of age, intellect, or health, is incapable of managing his (her) own affairs.
  • Heretofore: means any time previous to the day on which the statute takes effect; and the word "hereafter" at any time after such day. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.17
  • individual: shall include every infant member of the species homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.36
  • Jurisdiction: (1) The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case. Concurrent jurisdiction exists when two courts have simultaneous responsibility for the same case. (2) The geographic area over which the court has authority to decide cases.
  • Law of descent: The State statutes that specify how a deceased person
  • Lease: A contract transferring the use of property or occupancy of land, space, structures, or equipment in consideration of a payment (e.g., rent). Source: OCC
  • Liabilities: The aggregate of all debts and other legal obligations of a particular person or legal entity.
  • Month: means a calendar month, and the word "year" a calendar year unless otherwise expressed; and the word "year" alone, is equivalent to the expression "year of our Lord. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.10
  • Mortgage: The written agreement pledging property to a creditor as collateral for a loan.
  • Oath: A promise to tell the truth.
  • oath: shall be deemed to include an affirmation, and the word "sworn" shall be construed to include the word "affirmed. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.12
  • Obligation: An order placed, contract awarded, service received, or similar transaction during a given period that will require payments during the same or a future period.
  • Person under legal disability: means a person 18 years or older who (a) because of mental deterioration or physical incapacity is not fully able to manage his or her person or estate, or (b) is a person with mental illness or is a person with developmental disabilities and who because of his or her mental illness or developmental disability is not fully able to manage his or her person or estate, or (c) because of gambling, idleness, debauchery or excessive use of intoxicants or drugs, so spends or wastes his or her estate as to expose himself or herself or his or her family to want or suffering. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.06
  • Quorum: The number of legislators that must be present to do business.
  • Remainder: An interest in property that takes effect in the future at a specified time or after the occurrence of some event, such as the death of a life tenant.
  • State: when applied to different parts of the United States, may be construed to include the District of Columbia and the several territories, and the words "United States" may be construed to include the said district and territories. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.14
  • Statute: A law passed by a legislature.
  • Surviving spouse: means "widow" or "widower" as the case may be. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.32
  • sworn: shall be construed to include the word "affirmed. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.12
  • Testify: Answer questions in court.
  • Trustee: A person or institution holding and administering property in trust.
  • United States: may be construed to include the said district and territories. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.14